OOM Meeting Notes - 2018-02-21
https://zoom.us/j/118908904 1000 EST (GMT-5)
@Mike Elliott will present configuration changes in progress
review 4 drafts from Mike on direction of helm chart work - looking for feedback from operators
All committers/contributors please review the work below
Notes: "add common helm chart" - patch TBD of the 4 above
global override policy (one of several examples)
driving towards acceptance of these configuration changes for early next week so we can apply to the rest of the subcharts
Need to have the ability to fully customize the deployments
be able to override config for example - openstack specific (where Cinder for example can be setup globally - other projects can consume this specific config)
Pull out secrets for example into a higher config level - and then add specific customization per vendor)
Need this config work to set the framework for all of these requirements for Beijing
GOAL: get all comments to these 4 reviews by END of THIS WEEK - start monday rolling out new components after a merge this Friday
Note: we will refactor on the fly the working code - an evolutionary change to fix certain unavoidable defaults as we bring in this work
Q) colliding reviews with other work
Application teams need to own their config - as currently we clone config and own it.
For example own a minimal set of config - but the bulk should be owned by the component teams - we can meet and work through how to minimize cloning
@Roger Maitland Health checks - we have done work on health checks - but teams can get involved in this work
Some health checks randomly fail on the CD system - the dependencies inside a project and also between projects are not handled correctly? - we need to review both levels of these dependencies with each component team
Introduce team from DMaaP and AAF that would like to work with OOM
LUNANUOVA, DOMINIC - dl751d (Bus Controller) @Dominic Lunanuova
UNNAVA, SUNIL-su622b (Message Router) @sunil unnava
APPAMPALLY, SRIPAD - sa837d (Data Router)AAF:
GANDHAM, SAI -sg481n @Sai Gandham
Ian Howell- ih616h
Gabe Maurer -gm789vJIRA board
M2 functionality freeze results
Best Practices:
All PV/PVC need to be cloud-native agnostica - as in we support Azure, AWS and Openstack volumes (EBS, NFS, Cinder) for example - without breaking any other type of deployment.
appc resiliency would like assistance from the oom team - @Aaron Hay
see for example SDN-C Clustering on Kubernetes
see NFS and Cinder (AAI cassandra) specifically for openstack 2. Share the /dockerdata-nfs directory between Kubernetes nodes#2.Sharethe/dockerdata-nfsdirectorybetweenKubernetesnodes-Mountthe/dockerdata-nfsFolder
see Hosts paths for cloud agnostic PV configuration
@Roger Maitland to arrange storage meeting for all projects - will post for appc @Aaron Hay 's team and dmaap/aaf @Dominic Lunanuova 's team
Q: @Aaron Hay StatefulSet architecture for replica sets - @Mike Elliott if we need a pattern across a couple projects we will need a common config - planning to key off the SDNC stateful sets config
@Alexis de Talhouët DCAEGEN2 is working in Amsterdam only - will hold off on Beijing merge until Mikes config management changes are in - to minimize conflicts
? robot healthcheck in master running - http://jenkins.onap.info/job/oom-cd/2003/console - add distribute step to existing init
keep in mind 5 weeks untll code freeze - review Release Planning