OOM Meeting Notes - 2018-05-23
JIRA Board - https://jira.onap.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=41&view=detail&selectedIssue=OOM-859
James, Roger - in Arch meet in Vancouver
move 1106 to appc
1089 sync with DCAE - on hook to do "
kubectl delete namespace $ENVIRON"
contact author of OOM-1024: Cassandra data not persistedClosed to close it
same for OOM-1005: AAI Widgets not loading due to duplicate volumesClosed
Anyone pickup OOM-875: Cannot retrieve robot logsClosed and address gary's patch comment
address patches for 1104-06 by int team
Int lab oom passing vFW except closed-loop, vLB passing, testing S3P resiliency
ELK stack perf tuning meet - DaemonSet - thu https://lists.onap.org/pipermail/onap-discuss/2018-May/009822.html
Clean up your openlab - windriver to free up blades for integration testing
RC2 pushed out 2 weeks from last Thu - RC2 now 2nd next Thu 31st