OOM Meeting Notes - 2018-02-28
config changes - Mike's changes went in yesterday - https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/q/status:merged+oom+standardized-configuration
Single namespace - @Borislav Glozman would like to commit end of this week - https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/32093/
JIRA board
Status: @Roger Maitland -
SO is the sample for helm based deployment - @Borislav Glozman's work in 32093 for example, and @Mike Elliott standardized configuration work
Need to get teams to move over to this helm based deployment
s3p goals for healing/clustering, pv's, configMap work is mostly finished - teams will take on ownership of config (currently in oom repo for now due to LF config)
GOAL FOR BEIJING: Helm charts for next 4 weeks
Code freeze on March 29.
Q: Backlog needs refinement - moving to Casablanca release - see what we can move up
see oom-10
components to filter out of the list
components not for mvp - none
Realistic that we can finish it - because it is a pattern off OOM-727 for SO
update the oneclick script during each component switch to helm charts
(review single namespace work - already handles binding and docker secrets) - OOM-722 https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/32093/
see Filebeat config questions in the patch
review OOM-777 helm starter chart
OOM-725 - F. Michael to review