OOM Meeting Notes - 2018-04-11
Beijing charts summary
all but DCAE, OOF, VNFSDK complete (retest), VVP not MVP - leaving,
DCAE collaboration for cloudify manager container links directly to k8s - need base charts
OOF good effort - MUSIC related work left
integration activities
ALL please join m/t/w/f meetings at 11 EDT GMT-4 - https://lists.onap.org/pipermail/onap-discuss/2018-April/008999.html
OOM team can work directly with component teams
Reach out to Roger for any private session for onap components in OOM
Mike O to talk to Brian F. about the robot tests - are we missing more than the 33 -
Q: is AAI HC granular and checking sparky, gizmo for example
JIRA board - https://jira.onap.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=41&view=planning.nodetail&epics=visible
Borislav - Cloudify mapping to config - TODO: meeting with DCAE PTL and Roger
get 852 merged
Mike O address config sep - logging and security, 837 - see LOG-229: Investigate sdc-cs logging requirementsClosed
Borislav update OOM-779: OOM APPC ODL (MDSAL) persistent storageClosed
Meeting on OOM-752: LF support for Helm build job and repositoryClosed was good for tgz repo - 2nd meeting will be setup by LF
Aaron appc db issues on - Dan T. looking at shared base between sdnc/appc - update config if any changes - raise review for Borislav,...
link defedt to closed https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/OOM-744
retest after last merge for portal OOM-814: Portal values.yaml docker changes to shadow PORTAL-217Closed
Heads up: Issues with size of config map - Mandeep details - helm chart has 1MB limit on compressed size (wont deploy past this) - check sql file sizes
Init container will git clone and inject as a workaround - will apply procedure to code reviews
Best Practice: Any app teams that have large config that needs parameterization - reduce by ENV vars, prop file for just essential config is packaged -
push a reduced config that is stored in helm charts
review OOM-681: updating docker images/components to latest codeClosed via manifest yaml work - verify correct docker images - for Beijing - TODO: bring up in Mon PTL meet - no wrong version of onap components
TODO post git location of manifest - https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=integration.git;a=blob;f=version-manifest/src/main/resources/docker-manifest.csv;h=42bb6bb612d34dcd3aab82e4565d85cb7046a970;hb=refs/heads/master
LAB ENV: Mike E. SB06 tenant in openlab (intel lab) - available for VM reservation -
Helm releases + Namespaces = differentiators
note: temp just for now - use "onap" namespace in "sudo helm install local/onap -n dev --namespace onap"
Helm installation notes
Healthcheck status
CD robot healthcheck 2h on http://jenkins.onap.info/job/oom-cd-master/
@Pramod Kumar Sharma consul heathcheck is failing - need chart change - need JIRA - Mike to raise - agent does not come up (consul cluste
Q: Parvez: Casablanca Q: service mesh arch - plans - TBD - todo post JIRA/wiki - current LB services allow service linking, there is some overlap between MSB and K8S services
Call between Roger and Parvez
Frank Red Hat - how to check openshift issues - how to compare up component list 0/1 , 0/2, 1/2 (even 1/1 and 2/2 may have health issues)
onap-discuss is good place to work together
Last Meeting
OOM Status update - Roger
Reference to documentation - Roger
JIRA update - start new integration sprint @David S
followup with integration status - @David S and @Roger Maitland
Add stories for integration sprint - robot, health check, vFW use case. Need to work with the Integration team to identifiy R&R between the 2 teams.