2019-06-14 Meeting notes

2019-06-14 Meeting notes


Jun 14, 2019


  • @Swaminathan Seetharaman

  • @Sandeep Shah

  • @krishna moorthy

  • @LTE Next Generation

  • @Jeff Hartley

  • @Tracy Van Brakle

  • @Vikas Varma

  • @Joanne Liu Rudel

  • @Kingsly

  • @Melanie Sater

  • @Devendra Chauhan


  • @N.K. Shankaranarayanan


  1. Integration test status – status of IT#017 SDN-R test case - Plan is to finish this test case in Windriver SB-04, once the latest SDN-C code updates are merged, and the new SDN-C is deployed in SB-04.

  2. SDN-R implementation for PoC - netconf notification and DMaaP publisher - under testing, facing issues with netconf mount. Jeff has offered to help with the troubleshooting, once Sandeep sends the detailed netconf logs. Action: Sandeep to send the logs as requested by Jeff.

  3. Winlab setup status - Hanif updated that DMaaP is not up yet. Vikas clarified that the latest OOM (v1.3.2?) is now merged, this should be used. In case of any issues, corresponding versions of the components to be checked in Windriver. Action: Hanif and Krishna to work together on Mon/Tue to try and complete the required setup.

  4. RAN-Sim and Config DB setup in Winlab to start next week. Action: Krishna to send the VM requirements for RAN-Sim and Config DB to Hanif and George.

  5. Once the Integration test case is completed, further testing and PoC setup actions will continue in Winlab.

  6. Proposed scenarios for PoC demo were discussed.

  7. PoC date to be discussed and finalized after Shankar is back. Proposal is to have it in the week of July 8 or July 15.