2019-05-10 Meeting note

2019-05-10 Meeting note


May 10, 2019


Shankar, Swami, Sandeep, Krishna, Kingsly, Pam, Saravanan, Melanie, Tracy, Devendra,


  1. Policy APIs - need to use new apis for testing. Plan is to update SB02 (or evaluate if it makes sense to switch to SB00)

  2. Integration test status - Krishna reviewed status. Will update Wiki. And also follow up re. OOF test cases.

  3. Winlab update - Tracy is arranging a call among stakeholders. Winlab team can also send email to onap-discuss asking for guidance.

  4. SDN-R status - Sandeep will check version of SDN-R in SB02 and work with Krishna

  5. El Alto release - Status is that two carryover SDN-C JIRA items will be developed and tested as part of El Alto