2019-01-30 AAI Meeting Notes

2019-01-30 AAI Meeting Notes


Recorded Session 2018-01-30



@James Forsyth

@Benjamin Cheung

@William LaMont

@Keong Lim

@Ondrej F

@Former user (Deleted)

@Tian Lee

@Gabriel Sanchez

@Giulio Graziani

Madhuri Verma

@Tim Carey

@Venkata Harish Kajur

@Shirley Morgan



Topic: Upgrade Strategy for Dublin using Helm Hooks

@Amit Sinha

Placeholder for the AAI weekly call on 6 Feb 2019



@James Forsyth

@Keong Lim and @James Forsyth will develop a strategy for the SONAR TD to allow for new devs to make productive use of their time; Suggestion of one task per repo with subtasks of items that need to be fixed.


Dublin Status

@James Forsyth

Encourage our clients to migrate off named query; trying for Silver badge and Level 2 on Security; 


Tutorial problems

@Keong Lim

Trying to help @Gaurang Parnaik on Tutorial: Making and Testing a Schema Change in A&AI in Casablanca Release

but now hit "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" error.


aai-traversal pod in OOM deployment problem

@Keong Lim

@Michael O'Brien raised AAI-2079: aai-traversal and aai container failure to deploy issues in casablanca 3.0.0-ONAPClosed based on @Jacques Faucher email https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-discuss/topic/onap_deployment_issues/28985087 problem appears to be with traversal-update-query-data:

onap onap-aai-aai-traversal-5b496d986c-vb876 1/2 CrashLoopBackOff 2821 15d onap onap-aai-aai-traversal-update-query-data-fcn4h 0/1 Init:0/1 1834 15d onap onap-aai-aai-traversal-6ffbcb7dbf-zkc22 1/2 CrashLoopBackOff 586 3d onap onap-aai-aai-traversal-update-query-data-8kj7w 0/1 Init:0/1 493 3d onap onap-aai-aai-traversal-6ffbcb7dbf-rbnf6 1/2 Running 34 5h onap onap-aai-aai-traversal-update-query-data-qlhxp 0/1 Init:0/1 32 5h

@James Forsyth will request more information from mailing list

30th Jan: not seen any follow-up here, close it for now


Method of creating new meeting notes pages

@Keong Lim

Just noticing that JIRA links are being copied to new meeting notes pages as literal text, rather than as Confluence widgets. So they are no longer showing the current status of the JIRA case, e.g. see "Container sizing" item below with AAI-1940. It was initially "open", but as of now, it should be "closed".

Suggest that new meeting notes pages should be created using the Confluence "Copy page" menu item, as this will preserve the widgets in the page. Note that the "Copy page" menu item will also copy attachments, such as video recordings, so these would need to be deleted afterwards.

@James Forsyth will clean up old closed items and fix copied Jira links on next week's meeting notes.


How to add external inventory to AAI?


From 2019-01-15 ONAP Architecture Meeting during discussion of ONAPARC-320: Orchestration scenarios ArchitectureIn Progress / Orchestration Scenarios

From Me to Everyone: 03:03 AM
points 1f and 2f, any tool having access to ONAP API can push inventory data into AAI, is there more to it than that?
From RRAO to Everyone: 03:04 AM
Does it have to follow any specific Network Model like T-API ?
From Me to Everyone: 03:05 AM
AAI does have its own schema, so maybe some translation would be required
From RRAO to Me: (Privately) 03:06 AM
We are planning to orchestrate L0/L1 service so will touch base with you via email. This is Ravi Rao from Fujitsu
From Me to RRAO: (Privately) 03:06 AM
come join in the next AAI weekly meeting


Casablanca Maintenance Release Status

@James Forsyth

Look at Jira, talk about open issues

AAI-2047: [graphadmin] Make success of createDbSchema job required to proceed in AAI startupClosed is critical to the success of the maintenance release since it is causing slowness and bad data in AAI if it fails


MSB Configs

AAI-1964: Update AAI chart to include v14 URIs for MSB discoveryClosed

AAI-1965: Create wiki page documenting AAI MSB discovery config Closed

AAI-1966: Include v15 URIs in MSB config in AAI chartClosed

8th Jan: This one could be a problem: MSB-198: MSB GUI can not register a service mapped to an HTTPS endpoint Closed


CSIT Test Cases

Need to maintain these for Dublin, and expand to include things like MSB integration. Establish a working group to develop CSIT test cases for Dublin and document them on the wiki. @James Forsyth will create the page and solicit ideas.

8th Jan: Testing should cover this case: MSB-198: MSB GUI can not register a service mapped to an HTTPS endpoint Closed


Dublin Use Cases

@James Forsyth

5G Use Case (R4 Dublin)

BBS Broadband Service Use Case (Dublin)

CCVPN Use Case (Dublin)

Change Management Dublin Extensions

Fine Grain Placement Service (F-GPS) Edge Automation (Dublin)

OpenSource Access Manager (OSAM) Use Case

K8S based Cloud Region Support

Tony Noori from AT&T will identify the ONAP POC for system engineering for AAI modelling. This person will coordinate schema changes, watch the use case wiki, jira, perform gerrit reviews, etc.

Analysis: AAI R4 Use Case and Functional Requirements Impacts


Tomcat-embed license policy

@James Forsyth

org.apache.tomcat.embed in springboot 1.5.18 has a strong copyleft license. Can we exclude this from the package since we don't use the embedded tomcat? @James Forsyth has shown that this mitigates the issue in the resources project


Helm Chart Ownership

@James Forsyth

OOM is planning to make a new repo for our OOM helm charts and give us the ability to commit changes. The community is still working out process of how these updates will be merged into the public repos that all teams use. We need to look at our team's ability to support this, including having a test process internally to validate changes before we merge them.

7th Jan: could this OOM-1556: OOM AAI fails to deploy in DublinClosed be a test-case for the "Helm Chart Ownership" item ? What would successful management of the OOM charts look like for AAI team?

30th Jan: @Former user (Deleted) interested in being our POC for OOM to come to

See also OOM Meeting Notes - 2019-01-30


Casablanca Maintenance Release

@James Forsyth

The casablanca branch is open for CMR code reviews. Discuss what will be included in the CMR.

Release artifacts need to be available 10 Jan 2019

@James Forsyth send note to OOM team to see which branch they are accepting changes for CMR - Update: according to Mike Elliot CMR changes go to the OOM 'casablanca' branch and master is open for Dublin updates.



Suggestion from today's meeting: Installation and Developer Setup page - linking the latest out to the wiki and then copy at release time.


ESR Nexus IQ Vulnerabilities

Since we can't be sure about the status of the ESR vulnerabilities, we will publish that the application is vulnerable to all of them.



@James Forsyth

Identify component owner and disposition for casablanca

Component owner: Amdocs. Spike takes messages from Champ and populates in topics.

@James Forsyth to release Spike.


Lab support

@James Forsyth

To assist with monitoring JIRA, suggest subscribing to this filter: https://jira.onap.org/issues/?filter=11532, which does pick up AAI-1913: AAI queries not working in SB-06Closed as discussed. Also sent a message to onap-discuss to ask if JIRA Notification Scheme and new email list could be setup as well.


Hbase to Cassandra migration

@Amit Sinha

Bell Canada has a requirement to migrate their A&AI Graph DB backend from HBase to Cassandra.

We are enabling this effort.

We have been investigating GraphAdmin code in ONAP, which seems to support the framework.

We would like to make enhancements to this framework and contribute to ONAP.

The initial enhancements we would like to accomplish are:

  • Provide option to the end-user to select FROM and TO Version

    • The current code doesn’t have this option

  • Support schema migration to V14

    • Current support exists for V11->V13

Our goals:

  • AAI backend upgrade from HBase to Cassandra (V11 to V14)

  • Seamless upgrade and rollback of AAI DB

Recording 13th November DBmigration.mp4


Dublin 5G Use Case

@Benjamin Cheung

Go to [usecase] Platform Evolution for Use Case Realization w/ SO, AAI, DCAE, SDC, VID, SDNC


5G PNF Software upgrade


@Benjamin Cheung

We have a 5G related functionality in Change management, 5G PNF Software upgrade. https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/5G+-+PNF+Software+Upgrade

Right now, PNF software version is modeled and accepted in SDC, and also approved in Modeling subcommittee and TSC.https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/TSC+2018-07-26+Meeting+Agenda. (Modeling report)

We are not familiar with A&AI. The target of this functionality is to  update PNF Sw version when upgrade completion with specified pnfid. Could you and your team give us some help on this?

1)      Is there any available  APIs provided by AAI for this? 

2)      If yes, can you give me some details on it. If not, could you and AAI team provide support in Casablanca? We would like to provide contributions if needed.

@wangyaoguang to follow-up with SDC team and send conclusion results to @James Forsyth



@James Forsyth

Looking to bring in SME who would document rules for A&AI schema principles, define design principles for data model. Document will serve as reference during code reviews for A&AI data model.

Open Action Items

2019-01-30 AAI Meeting Notes  to release Spike.

New Action items