AAI R4 Use Case and Functional Requirements Impacts

AAI R4 Use Case and Functional Requirements Impacts

This area is for analysis of features and one-pagers with a high level LOE from which Epics will be written for the Dublin Release

5G Use Case (Dublin)

Feature Name



Feature Name



PNF Plug and Play (Casablanca carry-over items)


  • Potential schema changes:

    • PNF

      • Enhance A&AI schema to support PNF inventory, its state, and topology / attributes unique to 5G PNF

      • Using the pnf-id (instead of pnf-name) as the index for PNF into A&AI. Achieve naming indexing consistency between PNFs and VNFs.

      • Migration for previously created PNFs

      • Impacts all API calls/all clients interacting with PNFs
        (alternate solution proposed: A&AI could provide a generic solution to redirect client request URI to a valid URI by translating the client's request to a valid URI)

    • Cloud-region

      • Tracking the Cloud Home Server (CLLI, Cloud ID); and association with the COMPLEX. (existing schema)

    AAI-2096: PNF Plug and PlayClosed

PNF Pre-Onboarding & Onboarding


  • Ingest and use 5G NF Packages (CSAR file), PNF Artifacts, Definitions, TOSCA-Metadata - Requires changes to A&AI model loader

  • Run-time catalog update to associate artifacts to a PNF

  • ONAP Run Time Activities: 5G Service Instantiation

AAI-2097: PNF Pre-Onboarding & OnboardingClosed

 5G Network Slicing


Advanced 5G functionality, for Network Slicing development and early steps in long-lead development.  Service slicing allows advanced steering of services, based on policy, GW loading, and other criteria. 

Maintain inventory of instantiated slice subnets, E2E slices, their states and their hierarchical relationship


• A&AI shall store vSSF (Virtual Slice Selection Function) inventory (and associated EMS inventory) and forward it to downstream systems (eg, DCAE, AOTS-M).  (Assumes ONAP will use a vSSF software product and a supporting EMS from some vendor.)
• Radio PNF’s are deployed and configured ( RA, TA’s & cells) and shall be persisted in A&AI.
• A&AI shall also contain inventory of available data centre sites with associated constraints.

AAI-2099: 5G Network Slicing Closed

 Bulk PM


Performance Measurements 5G RAN Bulk Upload, Casablanca Carry-over items

No A&AI impact

Change Management Use Case (Dublin)

Feature Name



Feature Name



Schedule Optimization with Automated Conflict Avoidance

Test Only

Use existing GET Physical Server (pserver).

Traffic Migration Workflow


  • Retrieve VNF level ipv4-oam-address.
    generic-vnf.ipv4-oam-address (existing property)

  • Change in the VNF model to introduce an dt-anchor-point capability to vnf of vf. (new property in generic-vnf)

  • Change in the VNF model to introduce an dt-destination-point capability to vnf of vf. (new property in generic-vnf)

  • There is a need to hold pairs of (dt-anchor-point, dt-destination-point) to allow ScaleIn for any VNF in Virtual service. (new properties in generic-vnf)

AAI-2100: Change Management - Traffic Migration WorkflowClosed

5G PNF Software Upgrade


SO verifies and queries A&AI for the appropriate PNF entry. (existing functionality).

• A&AI Entry of the PNF is updated with the appropriate software versions. Update Software Version in A&AI
pnf.sw-version property (existing property)

AAI-2101: 5G PNF Software UpgradeClosed