AAI Branch Cut Procedure

AAI Branch Cut Procedure

It is suggested that you wait until after rc0 closes to cut the branches to minimize overhead of cherry picking between branches and managing different release artifacts.

Some applications choose to cut branches after m4, but in discussions with the TSC, post-rc0 was recommended. This is up to the PTL.

AAI has chosen to cut their branches immediately after rc0. Afterwards if changes are needed in the previous release branch, it is suggested they first be added to master and then cherry picked to the release branch.

First socialize the change with the community, and keep everyone up to date on the process.

Cutting the Branch in Gerrit


Cut branches for all active AAI branches in Gerrit. With an active repository in focus, go to branches.


In the modal that pops up, create the new branch's name in the Branch Name input box, and the base branch to use in the Initial Revision input box (most of the time this will be master). Then click CREATE. (repeat this process for all active aai repos)


Update ci-management

See the below commit in ci-management that was done as part of the Guilin release to update ci-management


Up-version from 1.x.y to 1.(x+1).0

See this commit that was done for the Honolulu master branch after Guilin was cut.

<insert commit>