K8S based Cloud Region Support
Enable support for deploying Virtualized and Containerized networking workloads in Kubernetes based Cloud regions through MultiCloud/k8s plugin.
Enable the support for Helm charts based deployment.
Show case using vFirewall use case.
Show case Legacy model (where firewall, traffic generator and sink are VMs)
Show case Hybrid model (where firewall is a container, traffic generator as a container and sink is VMs)
Show case using EdgeXFoundry use case.
Owner: @Former user (Deleted) and @Kiran (Deactivated)
Contributing companies: Intel, VMWare
Interested Operators : Verizon, ATT
Use Case Name
Showcase VNF | Test Environment | Integration Team Liaison |
vFirewall | Intel/Windriver lab | @Akhila Kishore (Deactivated) and @Former user (Deleted) |
EdgeXFoundry | Intel/Windriver lab | @Akhila Kishore (Deactivated) and @Kiran (Deactivated) |
Development Status
*Each Requirement should be tracked by its own User Story in JIRA
Current Status
Testing Blockers
High visibility bugs
Other issues for testing that should be seen at a summary level
Where possible, always include JIRA links
End to End flow to be Tested
**This should be a summary level Sequence diagram done in Gliffy**
Test Cases and Status
# | Test Case | Status |
1 | There should be a test case for each item in the sequence diagram | Not yet tested |
2 | create additional requirements as needed for each discreet step | Complete |
3 | Test cases should cover entire Use Case | Partially Complete |
4 | Test Cases should include enough detail for testing team to implement the test | Failed |