MultiCloud K8s-Plugin-service API

Definitions API

K8splugin artifacts start in the form of Definitions. These are nothing but Helm Charts wrapped with some metadata about the chart itself.

The package can be generated using the helm package command.

A Sample Helm Chart can be viewed in this patch:

The contents for that chart are below.

> cd vagrant/tests/vnfs/testrb/helm
> find vault-consul-dev

#Create a tar.gz for upload
> tar -cf vault-consul-dev.tar vault-consul-dev
> gzip vault-consul-dev.tar

Managing Definitions

The following curl commands can be used to upload a definition and the helm chart for that definition.

With the following JSON content

    "rb-name": "test-rbdef",
    "rb-version": "v1",
    "chart-name": "vault-consul-dev", //optional field. chart-name will be detected if this is not provided.
    "description": "testing resource bundle definition api",
    "labels": {

Command to create (POST) Definition:

curl -i -d @create_rbdefinition.json -X POST http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition

Command to UPLOAD artifact for Definition Created:

curl -i --data-binary @vault-consul-dev.tar.gz -X POST http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/v1/content

Command to GET  Definitions:

# Get all Definitions
curl -i http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition

# Get one Definition
curl -i http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/v1

Command to DELETE Definitions:

#Delete all versions of definition
curl -i -X DELETE http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef
#Delete a particular version of definition
curl -i -X DELETE http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/v1

Profiles API

Once the Definitions are created, we are ready to create some profiles so that we can customize that definition and instantiate it in Kubernetes.

A profile contains the following:

  1. manifest.yaml
    1. Contains the details for the profile and everything contained within
  2. A HELM values override yaml file.
    1. It can have any name as long as it matches the corresponding entry in the manifest.yaml
  3. Any number of files organized in a folder structure
    1. All these files should have a corresponding entry in manifest.yaml file

Sample Profile is described in the above patch

Create the profile artifact

Creating a Profile Artifact
> cd vagrant/tests/vnfs/testrb/helm/profile
> find .

#Create profile tar.gz
> cd profile
> tar -cf profile.tar *
> gzip profile.tar
> mv profile.tar.gz ../

Manifest file contains following

version: v1
  values: "values_override.yaml"
    - filepath: testfol/subdir/deployment.yaml
      chartpath: vault-consul-dev/templates/deployment.yaml

With this information, we are ready to upload the profile with the following JSON data

Profile JSON Body
	"rb-name": "test-rbdef",
	"rb-version": "v1", 
	"profile-name": "p1",
    "release-name": "r1", //If release-name is not provided, profile-name will be used
    "namespace": "testnamespace1",
    "kubernetes-version": "1.12.3"

Command to create (POST) Profile

#Replace NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1 with NODE_PORT:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1 if you are connec
curl -i -d @create_rbprofile.json -X POST http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/v1/profile

Command to UPLOAD artifact for Profile

curl -i --data-binary @profile.tar.gz -X POST http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/v1/profile/p1/content

Command to GET Profiles

# Get all Profiles
curl -i http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/v1/profile

# Get one Profile
curl -i http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/v1/profile/p1

Command to DELETE Profile

curl -i -X DELETE http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/rb/definition/test-rbdef/v1/profile/p1

Instantiation API

Instantiate the created Profile via the following REST api

Using the following JSON:

    "cloud-region": "krd",
    "profile-name": "p1",
    "release-name": "release-x",
	"override-values": {
		"optionalDictOfParameters": "andTheirValues, like",
		"": "dummy-name"
    "labels": {
        "optionalLabelForInternalK8spluginInstancesMetadata": "dummy-value"

Please note that both labels, override-parameters and release-name fields are optional.

When not provided, "release-name" will be reused from profile definition, however user should intend to provide own release name during instantiation if he wants to reuse same profile for multiple instances.

Instantiate the profile with the ID provided above

Command to Instantiate a Profile
curl -d @create_rbinstance.json http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/instance

This command returns the following JSON:

  "request": {
    "rb-name": "test-rbdef",
    "rb-version": "v1",
    "profile-name": "p1",
    "release-name": "release-x",
    "cloud-region": "krd",
  	"override-values": {
		"optionalDictOfParameters": "andTheirValues, like",
		"": "dummy-name"
    "labels": {
        "optionalLabelForInternalK8spluginInstancesMetadata": "dummy-value"
  "resources": [
            "GVK": {                                                                                                                                                                                               
                "Group": "",                                                                                                                                                                                       
                "Kind": "ConfigMap",                                                                                                                                                                               
                "Version": "v1"                                                                                                                                                                                    
            "Name": "test-cm"                                                                                                                                                                               
            "GVK": {                                                                                                                                                                                               
                "Group": "",                                                                                                                                                                                       
                "Kind": "Service",                                                                                                                                                                                 
                "Version": "v1"                                                                                                                                                                                    
            "Name": "test-svc"                                                                                                                                                                            
            "GVK": {
                "Group": "apps",
                "Kind": "Deployment",
                "Version": "v1"
            "Name": "test-dep"

Delete Instantiated Kubernetes resources

The id  field from the returned JSON can be used to DELETE the resources created in the previous step

This executes a Delete operation using the Kubernetes API.

Command to DELETE a resource
curl -X DELETE http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/instance/ZKMTSaxv

GET Instantiated Kubernetes resources

The id  field from the returned JSON can be used to GET the resources created in the previous step

Command to GET a resource
curl -X GET http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/instance/ZKMTSaxv

Output of this call conforms to the same schema and contains (currently) same information as instantiation response (described above)

LIST all Instantiated Kubernetes resources

The following API can be used to GET all the instances we have created.

Command to GET all resources
curl -X GET http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/instance

Status API

Status API allows for monitoring/querying for instantiated CNFs status. It allows checking both design-time (eg. image name, node port) or runtime (eg. container statuses, deployment readiness) capabilities of resources managed within k8splugin instances.

GET Instantiated Kubernetes resource's status

Command to GET instance status
curl -X GET http://NODE_IP:30280/api/multicloud-k8s/v1/v1/instance/{instanceID}/status

Example response: