Weekly meeting (07/25/2019)
JIRA | Owner | Status | |
1 | MULTICLOUD-457: Updating AAI upon successful instantiation of resource bundleClosed Updating Virtual inventory upon successful instantiation of resource bundle | @Kiran (Deactivated) | In Progress |
2 | MULTICLOUD-577: Add support for loggingClosed Add support for logging | @Kiran (Deactivated) | Transfer to Milind's team |
3 | MULTICLOUD-586: Figure out how to keep track of dependent resourcesOpen Figure out how to keep track of dependent resources | @Kiran (Deactivated) | In Progress |
4 | MULTICLOUD-599: Cache kubernetes clients instead of creating one everytimeOpen Cache kubernetes clients instead of creating one everytime | @Kiran (Deactivated) | |
5 | MULTICLOUD-654: Convert two part api to a single multipart APIOpen Convert two part api to a single multipart API | @Kiran (Deactivated) | |
6 | MULTICLOUD-662: Add Find/Get method to get instance for a particular profileClosed Add Find/Get method to get instance for a particular profile | @Kiran (Deactivated) | |
7 | MULTICLOUD-675: Monitor Resources and Update AAI and any other data storesOpen Add support for monitoring resources created | @Kiran (Deactivated) | |
8 | MULTICLOUD-677: label resources created via instancesClosed label resources created via instances | @Kiran (Deactivated) | Patch in review |
9 | MULTICLOUD-716: Use docker like names to identify instances instead of random stringsClosed Use docker like names to identify instances instead of random strings | @Kiran (Deactivated) | |
10 | MULTICLOUD-693: Cloud Security and Authentication using ISTIOClosed Cloud Security and Authentication using ISTIO Subtasks: MULTICLOUD-710: Provide Helm chart for ISTIO installationClosed Provide Helm chart for ISTIO installation MULTICLOUD-711: Modify helm charts for micro services to enable Auto istio-injectionClosed Modify helm charts for micro services to enable Auto istio-injection Testcase to Create users and give them access to only specific resources MULTICLOUD-714: Provide Authentication and Authorization by OAuth (Insider Cluster)Closed Provide Authentication and Authorization by OAuth (Insider Cluster) | @Pramod Raghavendra Jayathirth (Deactivated) | |
11 | MULTICLOUD-684: OVN Network OperatorClosed OVN Network Operator | @Former user (Deleted) | Work in Progress. CRD is defined and documented. Currently working on converting the existing code operator sdk framework |
12 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/MULTICLOUD-474 OVN Provider Network and Routes operator | @Former user (Deleted) | CRD's are defined and documented. |
13 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/SO-2110 investigate the aai update schema used by workloads | @Eric Multanen (Deactivated) | In Progress Examples are being documented here: AAI Update after Resource Instantiation#ExampleofAAIdataforvFW(non-K8S)usecase |
14 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/SO-2109 investigate calls used to update AAI | @Eric Multanen (Deactivated) | In Progress Examples are being documented here: AAI Update after Resource Instantiation#Heatbridgecode |
15 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/SO-2084 Determine heat template needed to avoid preload for k8s workload | @Eric Multanen (Deactivated) | |
16 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/SO-2027 Distribution error for type SO for CLOUD_TECHNOLOGY_SPECIFIC_ARTIFACTSOPEN | @Eric Multanen (Deactivated) | |
17 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/SO-1448 Support v1 and v2 vnf adapter api | @Eric Multanen (Deactivated) | |
18 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/SO-1450 support for secure communications between SO and Multicloud | @Eric Multanen (Deactivated) | |
19 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/SO-2162 Investigate running closed loop with K8S vFW | @Eric Multanen (Deactivated) | |
20 | Add Jira Update wiki for broker issue | @Former user (Deleted) | |
21 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/MULTICLOUD-639 | @Konrad Bańka | In review |
22 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/MULTICLOUD-676 MULTICLOUD-676 | @Konrad Bańka | Could be set as done |
23 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/MULTICLOUD-686 MULTICLOUD-686 | @Konrad Bańka | In progress/in review |
24 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/MULTICLOUD-707 MULTICLOUD-707 | @Konrad Bańka | On hold (waiting for LF response) |
25 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/MULTICLOUD-708 MULTICLOUD-708 | @Konrad Bańka | In progress |
26 | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/MULTICLOUD-709 MULTICLOUD-690 | @Konrad Bańka | In review |