SO Plug-in Support Requirements and Use Cases (ETSI SOL003 and SOL001/SOL004)

  • SO-ETSI Alignment Use Cases for Dublin


    • Leverage ETSI standards for VNF LCM in SO

    • Build SO VNFM Adapter

      • Use SOL003 APIs (2.5.1) for VNF LCM

      • Support operations such as create, instantiate, grant, query, terminate, LCN subscription and LCN

      • Support of Delete VNF is a stretch goal in Dublin

    • Enhance SO BPMN workflows & recipes

      • VNF-level and VF-Module workflows, leveraging VNFM Adapter 

      • Passing VNF LCM requests to VNFM using VNFM Adapter

    • Policy based VNF scale out thru VNFM Adapter (Stretch Goal)

      • VNFM Adapter interfaces for VES event

      • Policy Framework for scaling decisions

      • SO workflows for VNF Scale out

    • Provide VNF package management for VNFM (Stretch Goal; under investigation)

    • VNF-level and VF Module-level Assignment modeling in SDNC and A&AI (open issue)

    • VNF Application Configuration thru VNFM Adapter and VNFM (open issue & not for Dublin)

  • SO VNFM Adapter Requirements for Dublin


    • A new SO sub-component, following ONAP Microservice Architecture

    • A Generic VNFM Adapter, supporting SOL003-compliant SVNFMs

    • Support of SOL003 APIs for VNFM LCM

      • VNF Package management (Download & Parse VNF Package)

        • Get package files from the SDC repository thru SO

        • Provide VNF package(s), VNFDs and Artifacts to VNFM

        • SO Catalog DB enhancement for SOL001/SOL004 is under discussion, for future release

      • Invoking SVNFM based on SOL003 VNF LCM APIs as a client

      • Granting, based on ETSI VNFLifecycleOperationGranting

      • Subscription to SVNFM for getting notifications


    • SVNFM selection based on configuration values that are configured during VNF on-boarding and VNFM registration. Two methods are considered:

      • Correlation between VNF NF Type and VNFM Type (Nokia method)

      • Utilizing VNFD vnfm_info:type, VNFM registration values: VNFM type, Cloud region, vendor

  • SVNFM Requirements for Dublin (SVNFM Vendor Responsibilities)


    • Vendor SVNFM must be "SOL003-compliant"

    • Providing SOL003 APIs for VNFM LCM, based on ETSI VNFLifecycleManagement

    • Registration itself to ONAP (thru A&AI ESR) - Name, Type, Vendor, Version, URL, VIM, Username and Password

    • Providing Subscription Services for Life-cycle Management Notifications

    • Support of the "Direct Mode" of Resource Management only

      • After receiving a grant permission, the VNFM sends requests for resources directly to VIM

      • Invoking MultiCloud from VNFM is under discussion, but not for Dublin

      • The "Indirect Mode" of Resource Management is being discussed, but not for Dublin