Weekly meeting (05/16/2019)

Weekly meeting (05/16/2019)

Attendees:    @Eric Multanen (Deactivated) @libo zhu @Former user (Deleted)  @Akhila Kishore (Deactivated) @s.silvius @Former user (Deleted)

Meeting Minutes:


  • Lab in Intel Open lab had to be redeployed yesterday due to some issues. Other labs were facing similar issues. This morning it is back up and testing will be restarted again

  • SO and Multicloud interaction has been verified working with Windriver Cloud. Next step is to test with the K8s Plugin.

  • A new VM will be deployed in this lab to install Kubernetes cluster. Downside of having this approach is that every time lab is redeployed this VM will also have to be redeployed. This happened yesterday. We'll have the VM today.

SDC/ SDC Client:

  • OOM Patch for Sidecar SDC K8s is tested and is working.

  • Liang to test on boarding EdgeXFoundry Helm chart in SDC and create a service.

  • Seeing issues in communication between SDC and Client. Logs showing SDC Internal error. Libo to file Jira and Liang to take a look at the log. Eric is going to help retrieve the logs and any other support needed


  • vFW Helm chart are under review

  • Samuli and team working on creating CI for KUD using the aio script

  • Aio and other patches under review and waiting review for fixing issues with aio installation.

  • vFW usecase working after all the fixes applied

Rocket chat group created for multicloud-k8s: http://onap-integration.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com:3000/channel/multicloud_k8s

API's link: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/MultiCloud+K8s-Plugin-service+API%27s

EdgeXFoundry Helm charts: https://github.com/onap/multicloud-k8s/tree/master/kud/tests/vnfs/edgex/helm/edgex

Integration page updated with status. Need to add detailed pages for 2 usecases:
