2017-12-15 AAI Weekly Meeting notes

2017-12-15 AAI Weekly Meeting notes


Dec 15, 2017


  • @James Forsyth

  • @Venkata Harish Kajur

  • @Former user (Deleted)

  • @Arul Nambi

  • @Colin Burns

  • @Ramu N (Deactivated)

  • @Rich Tabedzki


  • Discuss Santa Clara F2F

  • Discuss MSB/AAI/Authentiation/Authorization

  • Look at modelling changes coming our way

  • "Platform Mature" AAI

  • Backlog

  • Gerrit amsterdam patch release / Jenkins status

Discussion items









Discuss Santa Clara F2F meetings

@James Forsyth

AAI Abstractions and Extensibility session (Session notes)

AAI Model Visualization (Session notes) session

AAI + ESR discussion (Session notes)


@James Forsyth

Modelling changes

@James Forsyth

Information Model == Data Model == AAI Schema (VNF and VNFC Run Time Model Proposal) is the direction from the ONAP modelling subcommittee. AAI has agreed to this; for AAI this is not a huge deal (except when we have migrations) but to our clients these represent breaking changes. @James Forsyth will write stories to contact the partner applications to report on the modelling changes. @James Forsyth informed the modelling subcommitee chair that AAI needs a formal notification of schema changes.

"Carrier Grade" "Platform Mature" AAI

@James Forsyth

The main point is that we need to provide a recommendation for an HA config in OOM. The recommendation is to set up 2 instances of each application docker, and set up a cluster of 3 cassandra nodes. @Venkata Harish Kajur and @Former user (Deleted) will be looking out how to containerize a cassandra cluster for the lab. https://hub.docker.com/_/cassandra/ 2017-12-08 - @Former user (Deleted) and @Venkata Harish Kajur have been working toward titan on Cassandra in a clustered environment. Monday we might have a cassandra cluster in the POD lab.


@James Forsyth

AAI Backlog


@Former user (Deleted)

We are working on producing an RST file suitable for the readthedocs website - Pavel has supplied updates, @James Forsyth needs to compile and check it, then needs to check with @Rich Bennett about where to put the docs for Beijing.


@James Forsyth

New committer

@James Forsyth

@Venkata Harish Kajur is a new committer on AAI. Congratulations to Harish! Still not approved, however, by TSC in the flurry of the Santa Clara F2F. @James Forsyth will follow up on TSC call on 12/21

Action items

@James Forsyth will write a story about dockerizing cassandra
@James Forsyth will put @Arul Nambi in touch with somebody who is having issues with Sparky-fe "no data" issue

@James Forsyth will set up a call to discuss backlog items for Beijing/Casablanca