2017-08-03 A&AI Weekly Meeting notes

2017-08-03 A&AI Weekly Meeting notes


Aug 3, 2017


  • @Steve Blimkie

  • @Anit Lohtia

  • @CT Paterson

  • @Francis Paquette

  • Richard Tabeddzki

  • @Tian Lee

  • @ethanlynnl

  • @Zi Li

  • @Michael O'Brien - (deprecated as of 20170508) - use obrienlabs

  • @Wang Rui


  • Status of JIRA issues

  • Review M2 milestones

Discussion items









MSB Integration

@CT Paterson

A list of endpoints have been provided. However, it was discovered that the MSB does not support 2-way SSL on the microservice side. It was raised that this seems to be a security hole in MSB. Some of the mSs don't support plain http. Proposal for Amsterdam is that these services will not integrate with MSB. Moving forward, we will investigate what is the best way to bridge this gap for Beijing. CT to communicate this proposal via the discuss list.


@Francis Paquette

There have been requests from the community to document API changes between ONAP version 1.0.0. and 1.1.0. Is this something we provide?

Schema Changes


Do schema changes need to be finalized for the M2 milestone? The understanding is that the schema does not need to be finalized. But the intention to make schema changes needs to tracked/approved.

Action items

From last week:

Provide list of endpoints to MSB 
@CT Paterson will determine what we're doing with MSB and decide what's in or out by 8/3

 This week:

Steve Blimkie to engage Manisha/Harish with respect to the status of the proposed schema changes which are currently under review for MultiCloud
Steve Blimkie to raise issue of documenting V1.0=>v1.1 API changes with Manisha/Harish