2017-08-24 A&AI Weekly Meeting notes

2017-08-24 A&AI Weekly Meeting notes


Aug 24, 2017


  • @James Forsyth


  • Status of JIRA issues

  • Review M3 milestones

Discussion items









MSB Client SDK Demo

@Former user (Deleted)

Amsterdam Schema Changes

@James Forsyth

The current schema is sufficient for SDNC's needs for Amsterdam, got confirmation from SO. Need to finalize VF-C schema needs. Might need to provide named-queries for Policy and APPC

VF-C Schema Updates

@Zi Li

M3 API Freeze review

@James Forsyth

ESR MultiVIM Schema

@Zi Li

Review A&AI schema for ESR

ESR Jenkins Jobs

Babel repo

JIRA issues review

Action items

Last week:

Functional test in verify job: @Michael O'Brien - (deprecated as of 20170508) - use obrienlabs will look into it (20170818: update: AAI-189: AAI Deployment Integration Jenkins job using OOM-K8S - to validate branchClosedHad parallel DCAE meeting on this 17th), @James Forsyth will consult AT&T resources for suggestions
AAI-58 CSIT Test case.  Coverage: 1) aai/resources 2) aai/traversal 3) aai/data-router 4) aai/search-service.  @James Forsyth will write 4 stories under epic AAI-58, and look for team members to pick them up.  Look to re-use the vFw robot framework test case as A&AI first test case
Sonar coverage: @James Forsyth will write a new epic and add stories specific to the various microservices 
@James Forsyth look at the license story for deprecated aai-service
@Tian Lee Check with SDC if they will provided translated model XML.  If not, we need to make sure the model loader can do translation, then bring ahead the babel service to perform the function.

This week: 

 Recorded session 2017-08-24