Flows for OSAM
Table of Contents
0-PNF Registration
box " " #LightGreen
participant SEBA
end box
box "ONAP" #LightGray
participant "DCAE VES\nCollector" as VES
participant DMAAP
participant PRH
participant AAI
end box
SEBA -> VES : 0.0 POD sends registration\nmessage
VES -> DMAAP : 0.1 Publish Registration Topic
DMAAP <- PRH : 0.2 Retrieve Registration Event
PRH -> AAI : 0.3 Verify PNF inventory\nexistence
PRH -> AAI : 0.4 Update A&AI Entry with\nPNF IP Address
PRH -> DMAAP : 0.5 Publish PNF_READY Topic
0.0 Access Pod sends a registration message to VES
0.1 Ves collector publishes Registration topic to DMAAP
0.2 PNF Registration Handler pulls the Registration message.
0.3 PNF Registration Handler verifies the existence of the Access Pod with CorrelationId(PNFId).
0.4 PNF Registration Handler updates the PNF entry with incoming PNF IpAddress information in AAI.
0.5 PNF Registration Handler publishes a PNF_READY message to DMAAP for incoming Access Pod.
1-PNF Activation
box "ONAP" #LightGray
participant DCAE
participant SO
participant AAI
participant SDNC
participant APPC
end box
box " " #LightGreen
participant SEBA
end box
box "OSAM Gateway" #LightCyan
participant "NEM Adaptor Layer" as NAL
participant "Core Adaptor Layer" as CAL
participant "Distributed Cache" as DC
end box
box "OSAM Core" #LightBlue
participant "GW Adaptor Layer" as AL
participant "GW Locator" as GWL
database "OSAM DB" as ODB
end box
DCAE -> SO: 1.0 Update PNF workFlow\nwith PNF_READY event
SO -> AAI : 1.1 Query PNF for controller(APPC)
SO -> SDNC : 1.2 Network Assignment
SO -> APPC : 1.3 Configure PNF
APPC -> SEBA : 1.4 Sends PNFId and necessary\nconfigurations(To be defined)
SEBA -> NAL : 1.5 Registers itself to GW
NAL -> CAL : 1.6 Sends PNfId, PNF IpAddress and\nGW IPAddress to OSAM CORE
CAL -> AL : 1.7 Conveys event to the GW Locator
NAL -> DC : 1.8 Caches the PNFId and PNF IpAddress
AL -> GWL : 1.9 Triggers to store GW and PNF relations
GWL -> ODB : 1.10 Stores PNF information and its\nrelation with GW
loop Periodically
SEBA -> NAL : 1.11 Delivers current existing OLT devices
NAL -> DC : 1.12 Updates the OLTs devices which belongs to PNFId
end loop
APPC -> AAI : 1.13 Updates configuration data
APPC -> SO : 1.14 Service configured
SO -> DCAE : 1.15 Publishes service ready\nmessage
1.0 DCAE reports that PNF is ready for configuration state to SO.
1.1 SO looks for selected Controller from AAI. APPC will be reported as a controller from AAI.(APPC has chosen according to this flow...)
1.2 SDNC applies required network assignments such as a relationship between OSAM GW and SEBA.
1.3 SO delivers required configuration parameters to APP-C.
1.4 Apply the required configurations to SEBA. Configuration types will be decided in the future releases.
1.5 Seba registers itself to OSAM Gateway with its IP address and PNF Id.
1.6 NEM Adapter Layer takes the given IP address and PNF Id of SEBA and conveys it to Core Adapter Layer.
1.7 Core Adapter Layer notifies to OSAM CORE about new incoming SEBA POD with the PNF Id and, IP address of itself.
1.8 Caches the PNF Id and PNF IP address.
1.9 GW Adapter Layer triggers to store GW and PNF relations.
1.10 GW Locator sends the PNF information and its relationship with GW to the OSAM DB to store.
1.11 SEBA delivers access device to OSAM GW.
1.12 Updates the OLT devices related to PNFId
1.13 Updates PNF entry with applied configurations in AAI
1.14 APPC sends a callback that reports POD is ready.
1.15 So publishes an event that the service is ready.
2-ONT Registration Flow
actor Admin
box "OSAM Core" #LightBlue
participant "OSAM UI" as OUI
participant "Portal FW" as PF
participant "Service Flow\nManager" as SFM
database "OSAM DB" as ODB
end box
Admin -> OUI : 2.0 Registers ONT's Serial\nNumber to PNF
OUI -> PF : 2.1 Sends ONT's Serial Number\nwith PNFId
PF -> SFM : 2.2 Conveys ONT's Serial\nNumber with PNFId
SFM -> ODB : 2.3 Saves ONT's Serial Number\nand its relation to PNFId in DB
note right #LightGreen: Assuming that PNF ip address \n already exists for PNFId
2.0 Admin selects a SEBA pod and creates a record with Serial Number in selected SEBA pod.
2.1 OSAM UI sends SEBA pod id and new serial number record to Portal Framework.
2.2 Conveys the gathered information related to ONT's serial number and SEBA pod id.
2.3 Stores ONT's serial number and creates a relationship between SEBA pod id and ONT in OSAM DB.
3-Technology Profile Registration Flow
3.0 User creates a new technology profile configuration.
3.1 OSAM UI sends the created profile to Portal FW.
3.2 Portal FW conveys the Profile configuration to Service Flow Manager
3.3 Save the input profile configuration in OSAM DB
3.4 Delivers the profile configuration to GW Adapter Layer to send new Profile to all SEBA pods
3.5 Asks for OSAM GW IP addresses for all SEBA pods
3.6 GW locator query 3.5 request from OSAM DB
3.7 Returns the OSAM GW Ip Addresses for SEBA Pods
3.8 GW locator conveys the OSAM GW Ip Addresses
3.9 For each SEBA Pod the new profile configuration is sent to OSAM GW.
3.10 Core Adapter Layer conveys the received new profile configuration to NEM Adapter Layer
3.11 To reach SEBA Pod, SEBA pod Ip address is queried from Cache
3.12 Ip address associated with SEBA pod is received
3.13 New profile configuration is sent to SEBA pod
4-Subscriber Registration Flow
4.0 Admin selects a SEBA pod and registers a new subscriber. To create a new subscriber, the admin has to choose technology profile also needs to enter s-tag, c-tag, and uniport.
4.1 OSAM UI sends the subscriber information and selected SEBA pod to Portal FW.
4.2 Portal FW conveys the incoming request to Service Flow Manager
4.3 Service Flow Manager triggers to store the subscriber information and its relation with SEBA pod id in OSAM DB
4.4 Service Flow Manager delivers to the subscriber information and its relation with SEBA pod id to GW adapter layer
4.5 Gateway Adapter Layer asks OSAM GW Ip Address associated to SEBA pod from GW Locator.
4.6 Gateway Locator queries to OSAM GW Ip Address associated to SEBA pod from OSAM DB.
4.7 OSAM DB returns the OSAM GW Ip address to GW Locator.
4.8 GW Locator conveys the OSAM GW IP address to GW Adapter Layer
4.9 GW Adapter Layer send the subscriber information and its associated PNF Id to Core Adapter Layer
4.10 Core Adapter Layer conveys the subscriber information and its associated PNF Id to NEM Adapter Layer
4.11 NEM Adapter Layer queries for IP address of PNF associated with PNF id to Distributed Cache.
4.12 Distributed Cache retrieves the IP address of PNF to NEM Adapter Layer.
4.13 Saves the subscriber information on SEBA pod.
5-ONT Activation Flow
5.0 SEBA sends the serial number of ONT to OSAM GW for activation check.
5.1 NEM Adapter layer conveys the serial number and PNFId to OSAM GW.
5.2 Core Adapter layer delivers the serial number and PNFId to GW Adapter Layer.
5.3 To check the existence of the serial number of ONT, GW Adapter layer conveys it to the Service Flow Manager.
5.4 Service Flow Manager lookup for the serial number associated with PNFId.
5.5 OSAM DB returns the serial number of ONT.
5.6 Retrieve the serial number associated with PNFId.
5.7 Asks Gateway Ip Address of ONT's Pod associated with PNFId.
5.8 Gateway Locator retrieve the Gateway IP address of the SEBA to Gateway adapter layer.
5.9 Gateway Adapter Layer retrieve the serial number of SEBA to OSAM Gateway.
5.10 Core Adapter Layer conveys the serial number of the SEBA to Nem Adapter Layer.
5.11 Nem Adapter Layer sends the serial number of SEBA to Distributed Cache to store.
5.12 After storing the information, Nem Adapter Layer sends a message to tell allowing authentication of ONT.
6-Service Subscription To Profile Flow
6.0 Subscriber selects and buys a new service from OSS/BSS layer.
6.1 OSS/BSS sends the newly selected service with subscriber id and selected service information.
6.2 Portal FW conveys the newly selected service with subscriber id to Service Flow Manager.
6.3 Service Flow Manager updates existing technology profile services using subscriber id.
6.4 Service Flow Manager queries for PNF Id of the subscriber.
6.5 After the result of the query, sends updated technology profile for the subscriber for PNF id to Gateway Adapter Layer.
6.6 Gateway Adapter Layer queries for IP address of Gateway according to PNF id to Gateway Locator.
6.7 Gateway Locator queries to OSAM DB for IP Address of Gateway according to PNF id.
6.8 Query response contains the IP address of Gateway to the Gateway Locator.
6.9 Gateway Locator conveys the IP address of the Gateway Adapter Layer.
6.10 Gateway Adapter Layer send update technology profile message to corresponding OSAM Gateway.
6.11 Core Adapter Layer of OSAM Gateway conveys the message to NEM Adapter Layer.
6.12 NEM Adapter Layer queries for IP address of PNF associated with PNF id to Distributed Cache.
6.13 Distributed Cache retrieves the IP address of PNF to NEM Adapter Layer.
6.14 After the fetching of IP address of SEBA, NEM Adapter Layer sends a message to update the technology profile for the subscriber.
7-Closed Loop Flow
7.0 SEBA sends the measurement information and alarm which generated in the real-time to the NEM Adapter Layer.
7.1 Nem Adapter Layer conveys the virtual event streams, collected from SEBA to VES Agent.
7.2 VES Agent collects and sends data to the VES Collector to deliver data to ONAP system
7.3 VES Collector verifies the format of the data and sends it to the DMaaP.
7.4 DMaaP filters the necessary data and stores it on the Kafka.
7.5 TCA collects data which are interested according to data's topic to analyze, store and create the crossing alarms according to thresholds.
7.6 Service Flow Manager collects the event data from TCA
7.7 TCA returns the requested event data.
7.8 Service Flow Manage updates the store if needed
7.9 Service Flow Manage conveys the events to Portal FW.
7.10 Portal FW pushes the events to OSAM UI.