Models for OSAM

Models for OSAM


For the first phase, OSAM GW is going to be stored in OSAM DB. Access Pod can consist of OSAM Gateway as Local OSAM Gateway.

  • id(string): identifier for OSAM GW

  • IP address(String): IP address of the OSAM GW


Access Pod is a PNF that will be fetched from ONAP(AAI). Its relation such as subscribers and devices will be kept in OSAM DB. CorrelationId will play a key role for that purpose. Moreover, PNF information could be kept in AAI or OSAM DB.(depends on use case).



Vendor of the device. There is a one to one relationship between the vendor and device. It consists of the following properties:

  • id (string): Identifier of the Vendor.

  • match_count(double): match packet count.

  • error_count(double): error packet count.


 Consist of the rules which matches the criteria to action. It consists of the following properties:

  • id (string): Identifier of the Flows.

  • match_criteria(string): Criteria of the action to apply.

  • action(string): The action to apply for the result of the match with match_criteria. 

  • statistics_id (array): statistics id array of the flows

  • time(string): applied time of the flow.


Result statistics of the applied criteria. It consists of the following properties:

  • id (string): Identifier of the Vendor.

  • name(string): Name of the Vendor.


Device is an abstract model definition of a physical device. A device can be an OLT or an ONT Device. It consists of the following properties: 

  • id (string): Identifier of the Device.

  • type(enum): Type indicates the device as an OLT device or an ONT device.

  • serial_number(string): Serial number of the Device.

  • opStatus(enum): Indicates the current status of the device. It can be active, failed, de-active.

  • adminState(enum): Indicates that device is provisioned or not.

  • connectionStatus(enum): Indicates the connection status of the device. It can be unknown, reachable, unreachable.

  • mac_address (string): Mac address of the device

  • ipv4_address (string): Ipv4 address of the device

  • ipv6_address (string): Ipv6 address of the device

  • vendor_id (int): (foreign key) vendor id of the device

  • access_pod_id(int): (foreign key) access_pod id of the device


Port is an abstract model definition of a port. A port can be an OLT or an ONT port. It consists of the following properties: 

  • no (int): Identifier of the port.

  • type(enum): Type indicates the device as an PON_OLT or an PON_ONT.

  • owner_device_id(string): Serial number of the Device.

  • opStatus(enum): Indicates the current status of the device. It can be active, failed, deactive.

  • adminState(enum): Indicates that device is provisioned or not.

  • rx_packets (Double): Received packets count.

  • rx_bytes (Double): Received bytes count.

  • rx_errors (Double): Received error count.

  • tx_packets (Double): Transmitted packets count.

  • tx_bytes (Double): Transmitted bytes count.

  • tx_errors (Double): Errors count while transmitted.


Peer port indicates the connection to the parent or child device. It consists of the following properties: 

  • device_id (string): Identifier of the connected device

  • port_no (int): Identifier of the connected port.


PmConfigs object represents an array of PmConfig or PmGroupConfig objects. 

  • freq : Sample rate

  • grouped :  Represents whether it is a grouped configuration or not.


PmGroupConfig object consists of PmConfig objects with this additional properties : 

  • group_name : Name of the grouped configuration

  • group_freq : Sample rate for the group measurement 

  • enabled : Represents whether this group configuration is enabled or not.


PmConfig object represents a performance measurement metric with properties :  

  • type : (counter, gauge, state, context) type can be a counter value (to track how many times something has happened), a gauge (for instantaneous measurement types) a state or a context. 

  • sample_freq : Frequency of the performance measurement

  • name : The name of the measurement

  • enabled : This value shows if the config is enabled or not. 


Alarms and events which are currently occured and active (would be deleted when the alarm state change as passive) with properties:  

  • id(double): Identifier of the alarm or event.

  • alarm_status(enum) :Can be active or deactive

  • name (string) : The name of the alarm or event

  • time  (string): The time which alarm or event occured.


Keeps all the alarms and events which are occurred with properties:  

  • id(double): Identifier of the alarm or event.

  • alarm_status(enum) :Can be active or de-active.

  • name (string): The name of the alarm or event.

  • time  (string): The time which alarm or event occurred.


It is about remote radius server with properties:  

  • nas_confiuration_id(double): Identifier of the nas.

  • nas_port_id(double): Configuration port of the nas.

  • nas_id(double): Radius server id.


Leaf switch for the connection of the internet with properties:  

  • id (string): Identifier of the Device.

  • port(string): Connection port.

  • ssl_connection(boolean): indacates that ssl_connection is open or not.

  • name(string): name of the device.

  • state(enum): Indicates that device is active or not.

  • mac_address (string): Mac address of the device

  • ipv4_address (string): Ipv4 address of the device

  • ipv6_address (string): Ipv6 address of the device

  • uplink_port(int): uplink port of the device


Maps the access device to aggregation device with properties:  

  • aggregation_device_id (string): foreign key of aggregation device id.

  • access_device_id(string): foreign key of access device id.


Subscriber is a model object that allows us to provision customer. 

  • Id(string) -property refers to ONT uniport also it is an identifier for a subscriber. Must be given

  • c-tag(int) -it is used by ONT device. Must be given

  • s-tag(int)-it is used by OLT device. Must be given

  • techProfileId(int) refers to technology profile id. To provision, the subscriber technology profile is required. (Technology profile details will be fetched from Access Pod.)

  • upstreamBandwidthProfile(string) refers an upstream(ONT to OLT) traffic bandwidth profile id. (Traffic bandwidth profile details will be fetched from Access Pod.)

  • downstreamBandwidthProfile(string) refers a downstream(OLT to ONT) traffic bandwidth profile id. (Traffic bandwidth profile details will be fetched from Access Pod.)

  • nasPortId(string) refers a radius server port.

  • Subscriber must be matched with OLT. OLT match is done with ConnectionPoint model.

  • Connection Point indicates a bridge between OLT-device and Subscriber's ONT. Subscriber model has ConnectionPoint model as property.