2020-05-07 Doc Project Meeting

2020-05-07 Doc Project Meeting


@Andreas Geißler @Eric Debeau @Andrea Visnyei @Sofia Wallin @Andy Mayer @Ken KANISHIMA @Timo Perala

Topics, Notes, Status and Follow-Up Tasks


Notes / Status / Follow-up


Notes / Status / Follow-up

Upcoming milestones and release planning for docs

Doc reviews, Frankfurt Documentation to be started. Remind the doc owners that they need to link to stable/franfurt

Updates (landing page, release notes, etc) capture in Jira @Sofia Wallin

Branching, doc project was branched 6/5 and Frankfurt enabled on RTD 7/5

Doc migration update

Jessica and Sofia to continuously work with the feedback.

Eric posted a comment,

  • The screen to display the content (div .wy-nav-content) is limited to 800px for the various projects  (default CSS configuration by Sphinx) while the previous value was fixed to unlimited as configured in ribbon.css => https://git.onap.org/doc/tree/docs/_static/css

  • Need to align the Documentation project CSS with project CSS. Currently, there is no CSS in the various project directory while the conf.py includes a css link cf https://git.onap.org/oom/tree/docs/conf.py and no CSS file is not part of the project defsetup(app): app.add_stylesheet("css/ribbon_onap.css")

    Sofia to check with Jessica if this can be configured for all projects.

API documentation

@Andy Mayer to capture non-functional requirements for Guilin in Jira, create an Epic in the doc project with associated task for each component. 

He will also support with updating the documentation guide with a swagger instruction. 

Documentation guide 

Keeping this as a standing agenda point. 

To be reviewed in the next doc meeting. 

@Sofia Wallin to create an Epic with relating tasks of things to do.