2020-04-16 Doc Project Meeting

2020-04-16 Doc Project Meeting


@Thomas Kulik @Timo Perala @Andreas Geißler @Eric Debeau @Sofia Wallin @Ken KANISHIMA

Topics, Notes, Status and Follow-Up Tasks

Next weeks meeting will be cancelled due to the virtual event


Notes / Status / Follow-up


Notes / Status / Follow-up

Frankfurt Release status @All

Walk through of JIRA tickets and upcoming milestones 

Submodule removal @Jessica Gonzalez@Sofia Wallin

Update will be provided regularly when needed

New time for the meeting? Poll to be send to tech discuss @Sofia Wallin

Still pending

Release Highlights


Frankfurt Release Key Updates

@Sofia Wallin to put something for the team to review

For the Frankfurt release the doc team has provided

Improved end to end user guide documentation (@Andreas Geißler and @Thomas Kulik feel free to elaborate a bit here)

A refined release note template to be used by all projects in ONAP.  To ensure a common way of how to provide the release notes from a content such a look and feel perspective. 

In addition the documentation project continuously work with improving processes and tools for documentation. Enabling the community to as easily as possible document all the aspects of the ONAP platform. During the Frankfurt release cycle we have started the work to clean up available content, both on the wiki and readthedocs (docs.onap.org) as well as moving the documentation away from submodules according to the LFN documentation strategy. 

Release note template 


Please review 

Virtual event participation?

Topics added to the agenda, https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/2020+April+Virtual+Technical+Event

Preparations done?

What do we wanna do around the virtual event? 

Potential topics, 

  • Work with content division wiki/RTD

    • Update the process page with label and a few "how-to-steps"

    • Move the deprecated tracker page to under the doc project 

    • Send out an email with information about the process

    • Provide work session dedicated this work

  • Project onboarding template for wiki

    • @Kenny Paul and @Sofia Wallin to run a hacking session for this 

@Sofia Wallin to update the event topic proposal page

API documentation 

@Eric Debeau presented https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/externalapi/nbi/+/106098 

Adding redoc to improve the rendering of API docs on RTD. Everyone in agreement. Very good improvement!

To be added as a session during next weeks virtual event and be presented as the preferred way for API documentation. 

Documentation guide 

To be reviewed in the next doc meeting. 

@Sofia Wallin to create an Epic with relating tasks of things to do.