DOC Project Proposal
Proposal Date:
Project Name:
Proposed name for the project:
Proposed name for the repository: doc
Project Description:
Create and maintain documentation targeted to ONAP user audiences and the tasks they perform. Illustrative examples below, specific list to be defined or each ONAP release:
a platform developer pulling, building, running, hacking and pushing source code;
an administrator installing, configuring, and monitoring an ONAP instance;
a designer or tester creating, validating, and delivering service models;
Establish and maintain a tool chain that supports the integration of documentation source material from all ONAP projects and committees and builds documentation artifacts for each release.
Benefits include:
documentation is an integral part of the design and development of an ONAP release.
the software architecture, design models, etc. influence the language used to document the end to end platform to a user audience
creating the end to end view for a user audience drives consistency, conceptual integrity, and clarity of design.
documentation can be tested during development and may reduce the effort to write test cases and installation instruction early in a release cycle.
documentation source maintenance is closely aligned with a contributor whose work impacts the documentation, release documentation is automatically updated as part of the CI/CD process, and will be in sync with the software in a release.
ONAP user audiences will quickly understand how to use ONAP and perform required tasks
Describe the functionality to be provided by the project
Curate/Edit/Organize Documentation - provided by committers and contributors to documentation project for each ONAP release including
Identifying the documentation required for a release based on an end to end view of targeted user audiences, tasks requirements, use cases, input from ONAP committees (architecture, marketing, etc) and approved projects.
Reviewing projects, release plans, and committee artifacts early in a release to align on end to end platform terminology and where draft documentation is provided in the release plan
Creating/Maintaining a top level index for all documentation in an ONAP release (org.onap.doc repository).
Creating/Maintaining sub-repositories below org.onap.doc/sources for projects and committees that provide documentation source material. Committer ACLs on sub-repositories may supplement or override the inherited org.onap.doc committer ACL to align control of the sub-repository with other projects providing the source material.
Providing consistent terminology and style guides for contributors.
Write Documentation - provided by contributors to this project or other sources
Create documentation source material that references other project provided source material and adds information tailored to a particular user audience and task.
Documentation CI/CD Tool Chain - committers and contributors to the doc project create and/or configure tools that automatically generate release documentation from all sources
Gerrit, Jenkins job builder configured to build documentation any time a top level or lower in the doc repository hierarchy change. A successful build will trigger an update at Readthedocs.
Specify any interface/API specifications proposed
Sphinx and ReStructuredText will be used for index structure and source document contents.
TBD other tools for auto generated or documentation embedded in source code (Swagger, Javadocs, etc.)
Identify what is in or out of scope. During the development phase, it helps reduce discussion.
In scope
Implement Linux Foundation best practice CI/CD tool chain
ONAP Release 1 documentation
Migration of seed documentation currently in the wiki or gerrit that is being maintained by approved projects
Out of scope -
Training is not part of this project
Multiple Language Translations
VNF Requirements is a separate project and representative example of the pattern we describe, references to these have been removed from this proposal.
Architecture Alignment:
How does this project fit into the rest of the ONAP Architecture?
Creates an end to end platform and user audience view of documentation, organizes documentation source material from all projects and sources, and provides a CI/CD documentation tool chain for published documentation.Dependencies
Documentation specified in the Release Planning Template
Early release information from committees (architecture, use case, marketing, etc.) and projects to determine user audiences, task requirements, and end to end platform capabilities.
Early release integration project plans to align documentation and test plans.
How does this align with external standards/specifications?
Project will use Linux Foundation best practices for a documentation tool chain based on experience with open daylight and opnfv.
Are there dependencies with other open source projects?
Evaluate the use of for API documentation
Primary Contact Person: Rich Bennett
Names, gerrit IDs, and company affiliations of the committers
Rich Bennett,, AT&T
Nicholas Hu,, AT&T
Timo Perala,, Nokia
Greg Glover,, AT&T
Kevin Scaggs,, AT&T
Steven Wright,, AT&T
James Yang,, Huawei
Andrei Kojukhov,, Amdocs
Andrea Anderson,, Amdocs
John Buja,, Amdocs
Bernard Frazer,, Amdocs
Shawn Loewen,, Amdocs
Matthew Harffy,, Amdocs
Shasha Guo,, China Mobile
Ying Li,, China Mobile
Lili Kong,, China Mobile
Names and affiliations of any other contributors
TBD contributors to doc/sources/sub-repos will be contributors to other projects maintaining a portion of the documentation source.
Project Roles (include RACI chart, if applicable.
Other Information:
Seed Code / Documentation -
Schema - AAI
Guidelines - ONAP Logging
See also the related project proposal on VNF Requirements etc.
User Guides -
Developer APPC
Administrator - ONAP Portal for administrators
Operations - Operate, VID, Policy application, DMaaP Bus Controller, ONAP Portal for users
Tutorials - Installing and Running the ONAP Demos, Automatically Creating a Netconf Mount in APPC from SDNC
To Be Identified - Documents from VF-C, VNF SDK, Common TOSCA, Multi-VIM, other?
Vendor Neutral Yes
Meets Board policy (including IPR) Yes
Key Project Facts
Project Name:
JIRA project name: Documentation
JIRA project prefix: DOC
Repo names:
doc/sources/<repos created as required for source material from other projects, committees, etc.>
Lifecycle State: proposal
Primary Contact: Rich Bennett
Project Lead: Greg Glover
mailing list tag [doc]
Rich Bennett,, AT&T
Nicholas Hu,, AT&T
Timo Perala,, Nokia
Greg Glover,, AT&T
Kevin Scaggs,, AT&T
Steven Wright,, AT&T
James Yang,, Huawei
Shasha Guo,, China Mobile
Ying Li,, China Mobile
Lili Kong,, China Mobile
Andrea Anderson,, Amdocs
Matthew Harffy,