2020-02-20 Doc Project Meeting

2020-02-20 Doc Project Meeting


@Andy Mayer

@Andreas Geißler

@Thomas Kulik


@Sofia Wallin

Topics, Notes, Status and Follow-Up Tasks


Notes / Status / Follow-up


Notes / Status / Follow-up

Frankfurt Release status


Walk through of JIRA tickets and upcoming milestones 

This was not done due to low participation of doc committers and contributors 

Submodule removal @Jessica Gonzalez@Sofia Wallin

Update will be provided regularly when needed

Docs migration tracker

Nothing to add this week

ONAP Glossary @Andy Mayer

See: DOC-154: Integrate Glossary Provided by Modeling SubcommitteeClosed

Andy gave us an overview of the work from the modeling subcommittee. A modeling glossary is available and the doc team recommend that this is being published on RTD. 

For future investigation - Common ONAP glossary.

A common glossary for ONAP would be nice to have. This is probably best fitted in the doc project however as of today the project does not have the bandwidth to drive such activity.

API documentation handling @Andy Mayer

Style guide using swagger 

Developing ONAP API Documentation

Great start!!! The doc project would like to see this being part of the documentation guide. A few more rounds (architecture and PTL call) to collect feedback and to get it approved.

Developing ONAP API Documentation

@Andy Mayer is driving this in a separate working group. Leaving it on the agenda for further collaboration.