OOM Meeting Notes - 2021-06-16
Chartmuseum integration (@Vijay Kumar )
code seems good
needs to test repository push on the gating (@Sylvain Desbureaux)
should be done before tomorrow afternoon
k8s v1.20 support: @Sylvain Desbureaux
try to 1.20.7 on Azure → mariadb is failing
seems to have on Azure with this version
test another one? (@Sylvain Desbureaux )
Honolulu MR: @Sylvain Desbureaux
remove appc on deployment @Sylvain Desbureauxscale dmaap dr database to 1 replica @Sylvain Desbureauxmerge https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/121934 (trustore issue on AAI resources) @Venkata Harish Kajurupdate the release note @Sylvain Desbureauxreleasing artifacts : ticket opened on how to trigger the release process: @Sylvain Desbureaux
waiting for LF IT answer
Service mesh update: @Sylvain Desbureaux
https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/120964 (AAI on Service Mesh)
Ondrej Frindrich is updating the code and will push today
test on normal deployment by the gate
test on service mesh deployment will be done just done
@Gareth Roper is starting to work on it
started discussion with SDC team
DCAE on Service Mesh: @Ajay Deep Singh
Jira ticket assigned (https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/OOM-2775)
just "http" only work for now (get rid of AAF and use http everywhere)
move to Istanbul most if not all subtask of https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/OOM-2232 @Sylvain Desbureaux
Message Router kafka metrics exposure: @Marat Salakhutdinov
need to create a new service for metrics exposure
Cassandra service metrics exposure @Marat Salakhutdinov