OOM Meeting Notes - 2021-03-03
OOM Meeting Notes - 2021-03-03
@Sylvain Desbureaux OOO till EOW
Gating Issues @Krzysztof Opasiak @Morgan Richomme
New UUI chart @Dong Wang
@Dong Wang to upload to upload the code tomorrow
@Krzysztof Opasiak to follow up with tar.gz issue
Pending reviews @Krzysztof Opasiak
Almost ready just need a clear gating run
Still some unaddressed comments in review
@Krzysztof Opasiak will help with common secret template
Nokia Team to upload doc for prometheus stack
@Vijay Kumar reported some issue with our Helm 3 install guide to be followed up with @Krzysztof Opasiak
, multiple selections available,