ONAP Service IM Minutes 20200729

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20200729

Wed UTC: 12:00 / China 20:00  / Eastern: 08:00 / Pacific: 05:00



@guochuyi @Byung-Woo Jun @Scott Mansfield @Andy Mayer @Alessandro D'Alessandro @Xu Yang


  1. Papyrus ServiceDescriptor and NSD relationshp issue in common Root

  2. ETSI NSD and AID SD mapping 

  3. Network Slicing AAI instance model


AAI proposal on E2E Network Slicing for R7-0729-modelingSub.pdf


  1. Agenda Bashing
    Papyrus ServiceDescriptor and NSD relationshp issue in common Root - 20mins
    ETSI NSD and AID SD mapping - 10mins
    Network Slicing AAI instance model -10mins

  2. Papyrus ServiceDescriptor and NSD relationshp issue in common Root  

    1. Current proposal includes 1)add NSD to be child of DesignEntity, and an additional association to show SD can nest NSD, 2)update Ns diagram to show NSD can nest NSD. Detailed proposal can be found at  ETSI NSD and AID SD relationship refine.

    2. In the OperationalEnity, there will not intruduce "NetworkServiceInstance", since in AAI now, we don't have an independent NetworkServiceInstance, only service instance using an attribute to show this instance is for Network Service. This may be updated, depends on the progress of the alignment work in ONAP.

    3. Review this proposal and leave comments on the wiki page.

  3. ETSI NSD and AID SD mapping  ETSI Package Management (SDC Enhancements)- Guilin

    1. NSD and VLD: Has talked with some SDC experts, decide to use SOL 001 NSD and VLD in SDC, after finishing the enhancement, service csar will include SOL 001 defined NSD and VLD.

    2. VNFD: VNF part is still under discussion, current suggestion is to create a super set of new data types based on SOL001, with optional attributes that are specific to ONAP.
                 Guilin release will carry on VF module and put it inside SDC VNFD, for many components depend on that. 

    3. Solutions for VNFD are still open, please review ETSI Package Management (SDC Enhancements)- Guilin and leave suggestions or comments here.

  4. Network Slicing AAI instance model

    1. Network Slicing instance modeL based on IETF to do TN NSSI model, introduce 3GPP new proposal for EP_Transport to do connection of 3 domain subnets in ONAP.

    2. EP_Transport is the information for RAN/Core output port and ingress of TN, using as a bridge, TN will hold both sides information so that enable the connection of 3 domain subnets.

    3. Suggest to give an example to show how new introduced classes will be used.

