A&AI Impacts

A&AI Impacts

To support this use case,A&AI module has added 3 new nodes (Communication-service-profile, Service-profile and Slice-profile),modified service-instance nodes, added 3 new nodes as new attributes of service-instance node. To map to SDC templates (Communication Service Template/Service Profile Template/NST/NSST),run-time instances of this use case have Communication Service Instance/Service Profile Instance/NSI/NSSI. To align with ONAP’s model-driven approach, this use case reuses "service-instance" for all run-time instances. The relationship between service-instances use the existing attribute "relationship-list" or "allotted-resources". Communication-service-profile means the original requirement of Communication-service-instance, such as latency, data-rate, mobility-level and so on.  Service-profile means the slice parameter info of Service-profile-instance. Slice-profile holds the slice sub-net parameter info of different network domain NSSIs, such as (Radio) Access Network (AN), Transport Network (TN) and Core Network (CN) NSSI.

A&AI provides query APIs to CSMF and NSMF, such as:

  • Query Communication-service-instances/Service-profile-instances/NSI/NSSI

  • Query Service-profile-instance by specified Communication-service-instance

  • Query Communication-service-profile by specified Communication-service-instance

  • Query Service-profile by specified Service-profile-instance

  • Query Slice-profile by specified NSSI

  • Query NSI by specified Service-profile-instance, query NSSI by specified NSI, query NSI by specified NSSI

A&AI also supply creation APIs to SO, such as:

  • Create Communication-service-profile/Service-profile/Slice-profile

  • Create relationship between service-instances.

Further details can be obtained from: