ETSI SOL001 Data Model Mapping to SDC AID DM

ETSI SOL001 Data Model Mapping to SDC AID DM


The following is being implemented for the Guilin release:

  • SOL007 Design and SOL004 Onboarding

  • ONAP ETSI-Alignment Modeling Hierarchy (partially)

    • NS Mapping

    • NS-Level VirtualLink (between VNFs) Mapping

The following mapping will be implemented in the Honolulu release:

  • VNF Mapping

  • VDU and VFC Mapping

  • PNF Mapping

  • SOL001 VNFD and SDC AID DM VF Template Mapping

    • VF-Module Deduction from SOL001 VNFD

The following slide deck provides a summary of ETSI SOL001 Data Mapping to SDC AID DM.

Please review this slide deck for the modeling team's approval poll.

Current status: reviewed it with both SDC and AAI, and SDC and AAI approved this proposal. Waiting for the Modeling team's approval.

SOL007 Design and SOL004 Onboarding

  • SDC takes the vendor provided package and adds some files or changes files and meta data according to SDC procedure.

  • SDC NS/VNF/PNF Onboarding Procedure and Original Vendor VNF/PNF Package Handling

    • SDC onboarding enhancement was made to the SDC Dublin to support SOL004 PNF/VNF onboarding with .zip and .csar file extensions. We continue to support the current onboarding mechanism with some enhancements.

    • SOL007 NS onboarding (stretch goal for Guilin) will follow the same procedure; i.e., storing the vendor SOL007 NS package into the “ETSI_PACKAGE” directory.

    • SOL007 NS design will allow users to build SOL007 NS package including SOL001 NSD from scratch

    • SDC VSP and Resource csar files have the “ETSI_PACKAGE” directory, which will contain the original vendor VNF/NS/PNF package.

      • The “ONBOARDED_PACKAGE” directory name will be changed to “ETSI_PACKAGE” as a common ETSI directory name. This change is necessary to support design of SOL007 package

      • ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager will be extracted the ETSI packages from the “ETSI_PACKAGE” directory.

      • The VNFM and external NFVO use the original vendor VNF/NS/PNF packages through ETSI Catalog Manager.

  • SDC provides mapping from ETSI SOL001 NSD/VNFD/PNFD (PNF in the future) to SDC AID DM

    • See the subsequent slides for mapping.

  • Note: ETSI 2.7.1 handling will be discussed separately.

SDC CSAR for NS structure

  |-- Artifacts
        |-- ETSI_PACKAGE
              |-- etsi nsd csar
        |-- <VF 1>
              |-- Deployment
                    |-- ETSI_PACKAGE
                          |-- etsi vnf package
        |-- <VF n>
              |-- Deployment
                    |-- ETSI_PACKAGE
                          |-- etsi vnf package

ONAP ETSI-Alignment Modeling Hierarchy

  • For OSS Service-level modeling, continue to use org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.service

  • For NS modeling, use SOL001 tosca.nodes.nfv.NS as SDC AID DM NS node type

  • The OSS-Service model references/includes associated NSs (1:M)

  • In ONAP, tosca.nodes.nfv.NS references, a new VNF node type, org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.ETSI.VNF (1:M) and a new PNF node type, org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.ETSI.PNF (1:M) are used

  • In ONAP, tosca.nodes.nfv.NS includes SOL001 tosca.nodes.nfv.NsVirtualLink (1:M)

NS Mapping

  • SDC adopts SOL001 tosca.nodes.nfv.NS node type as the SDC NS node type; i.e., no mapping is necessary

    • A new SDC SOL007 Design process generates SOL001 tosca.nodes.nfv.NS for the NS node type

    • A new SDC SOL007 Onboarding process (stretch goal) copies the onboarded SOL001 tosca.nodes.nfv.NS contents to SDC AID DM tosca.nodes.nfv.NS contents

  • The following covers the properties. Handling/Mapping of Requirements and Interfaces are under discussion.

NS-Level VirtualLink (between VNFs) Mapping

  • SDC adopts SOL001 tosca.nodes.nfv.NsVirtualLink node type for the SDC NS-level VirtualLink node type; i.e., no mapping is necessary

    • A new SDC SOL007 Design process generates SOL001 tosca.nodes.nfv.NsVirtualLink for the VirtualLink node type, and includes it in the NSD

    • A new SDC SOL007 Onboarding process copies the onboarded SOL001 tosca.nodes.nfv.NsVirtualLink to SDC AID DM tosca.nodes.nfv.NsVirtualLink

    • SDC deprecates vendor/operator-specific VLs from SOL007 design and onboarding

VNF Mapping

  • SDC adopts a new VNF node type, org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.ETSI.VNF, which is derived from org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.VF.