ONAP Service IM Minutes 20200916

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20200916

Wed UTC: 12:00 / China 20:00  / Eastern: 08:00 / Pacific: 05:00(Happen every other week)

https://zoom.us/j/99340453185, passcode:  654833. Or click 



guochuyi Byung-Woo Jun Fernando Oliveira Michela Bevilacqua Fei Zhang (Ericsson) Alessandro D'Alessandro Andy Mayer Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson] Timo Perala Xu Yang


  1. ETSI NSD IM Update
    ETSI IFA014 v2.7.1 NetworkServiceDescriptor integration into ONAP IM
    ETSI NSD and AID SD relationship refine
  2. Allotted Resource relationship in Network Slicing
    Allotted Resource for Network Slicing


  1. Agenda Bashing
    1. About Policy model, suggest to move to H release, and NSD work also toward to H realease, there will also has 1 requirement to support mapping work for H release.
    2. Everyone who has requirements for H release, please go to update high level requirments for H release. 
  2. ETSI NSD IM Update
    1. No comments recevied about current changes, keep going to update the NSD diagram,
    2. Remained discussion about linkDesc, linkDesc is now not an approved class, its usage is not clear, maybe an abstract class, we can see if any case is using this, guochuyiwill go to research if  CCVPN case is using the linkDesc, and what is the relationship between connection link and the linkDesc.
  3. Allotted Resource relationship in Network Slicing
    1. Allotted resource used at 4 is different from it used at 2 and 5, allotted resource at 4 will has NSST Ids, that is because NST and NSST belong to service planning, association should be finished at design time, run time has no component to do.
    2. How allotted resource at 4 be used in run time?SO finds AR in NST, it will know when instantiate NSI, there needs to find lower level resources to support. OOF  will give the decision of which NSSI(a new one or an existed one) to SO. NSST will provide the constraint to OOF about what kinds of NSSI is suitable.
    3. Current information model structure update
      In current modeling, SD can have Anfd, as shown in the left, however in Network Slicing case, considering the relationship between NST and NSST, allotted resource can also include(related down to ) a SD, this should be the supplement of current IM structure.

      Suggest 2 ways to update this diagram: 1)one is to create a new relation between Anfd and SD, as the red line in the picture,  2)another is to change the relationship between Anfd and NFDesc, Anfd can be associated with DesignEnity, namely can be related to both resource and service. This meeting has no conclusion of which option to be chosen, will discuss and make decision at next meetings.

