SO Weekly Meeting 2020-01-29
SO passed M2/Me
Issues open :
Frankfurt Planning - Sprint 0 status
Java 11 Migration
Himesh and Rajiv from HCL is looking for an Epic for the Java 11 migration
There is an epic (SO-2046: support Java 11 upgradeClosed) for Java 11 upgrade. Byung moved it to the Frankfurt release
Himesh and Rajiv will create its user stories and move them to the Frankfurt release.
SO dynamic workflow update - Lukasz G.
As per our discussion for the SO work please find the links with the details This is the TSC must have
Provide Upgrade Capabilities... SO-2520 |
SECCOM Perform Software Composition Analysis - Vulnerability tables
SECCOM Password removal from OOM HELM charts – This is being discussed with ATT team SO-2535
SECCOM HTTPS communication vs. HTTP (Integration with AAF) – This is due for further confirmation of the role of AAF in F and further releases.