SO Weekly Meeting 2020-06-03

SO Weekly Meeting 2020-06-03


SO needs to update RC1 score, Frankfurt Release Requirements2: Frankfurt Release Integration Testing Status

Release Planning: Frankfurt

Project Status in Frankfurt Release

Frankfurt Milestone Status

RC2 is 1.6.3 released on May 29th

  1. Under gating review and would be merged to the master and F releases of OOM

Need to work on the 1.6.4 as a patch release to accommodate

  1. Appc Orchestraor changes to be merged for the patch (SO-2903)

    1. need to make the changes of including the appc- orchestrtor in Frankfurt branch

    2. oom changes to be merged to the franckfurt - oom release

  2. MDOS DELETE bug fix to be included (SO-2967)

    1. changes are committed by Srini and needs to be verified on the lastest dockers (staging)

    2. To be merged to both master and frankfurt branches

Topics for Guilin (Master Branch)

Guilin Release Requirements

Topic Java 11 upgrade : (Max and Rajiv (HCL))

The basic push has been made necessary for the java 11 are pushed, they are being tested in the ATT lab (JDK 11.13??) internally at the present and the required changes would be merged as and when needed

The questions that needs to be addressed are 

  1. The JDK version (need to refer to the integration refered one)

    1. move to the open JDK 

    2. oparent changes to be taken into consideration

  2. Docker dependencies

  3. Build and Jenkins jobs dependencies

  4. the code specific dependencies (from JDK 8 to JDK 11)

  5. Mocking dependencies  

SO simulator package needs introduction and should be made workable - Max check with Dmitri and get back... (Robot scripts)

  1. The way to use it - documentation

  2. How part of the puzzle does it solve

  3. need to check the interactions with openstack / sdnc / ..

  4. For AAI in-memory datatbase mode is ued to emulate the testing

  5. CSIT usage - need to explore this part

    1. Validation of the post checkins - verify build.

    2. improvement around this area of external component dependencies

Docker compose

Older docker files to be updated

  1. need to update the documents of the dockers how to use in the dev env

  2. for the new pods included to improve the documentation and usage - developer friendly

The Password removal from the OOM - AAF integration / Service mesh (AAA)...

  1. To consult the integration and security teams (Sylvain and Krzystof )

  2. Draft the plan to make sure what is the way out

  3. work on the most required pieces of the code and resolve the listed issues

Meeting recording:

Frankfurt Release Integration Test Blocking Issues

Integration Weather Board for Frankfurt Release


ARC Service Orchestrator Component Description - Frankfurt

Branch cut awaiting the resolution of the blocking issues.


M1 committed Requirement details

M4 preparedness Status


Migrate PNF PNP workflow to Building Blocks

Risk on completing by Feb, decision point API has dependency that is not yet resolved.

Backup plan: The existing flow is intact and we will switch back to the existing code till the new changes are merged. For F release we will continue with what we have.

For F release looks like the backup plan would be defaulted for PNF Config Assign, Config Deploy. This functional aspects would be checked in parallel and would be included in the master branch.


Testing is in progress and the master release is being verified, found a new error in the Workflow executor related to the inventory "No PNF found" investigating further. This is a blocking issue for the PNF flow to be complete.    need to verify with the new AAI and the input params.

15-04 :

Testing it with the Robot scripts to test the E2E testing, no blocking issues.

Model related parms were found with some issues that would need to be handled in the G release.


S3P - Improvements of Service Orchestrator

Need to revisit based on the badging demands


SO supports ETSI SOL005 Alignment of its interfaces with NFVO

Expected to finish code review by next week. Yet to start Module level testing.

Need to rebase the code and provide a new commit including all the related changes, ETA this week.

Code Merged to the master and would be cut to the F branch, fine tuning is requried to increase the testing.

The code is in the adaptation and would not impact the key flows.


Standalone testing is in progress, need to perform  the integration testing on the  windriver lab. Testing will happen with VFC.

15-04 :


Multi-domain Optical Network Service Orchestration Support in SO

This week expected the code review. Module level is in progress. So code is submitted for review.

Need to re-submit the code the current changes seems to have issues and bring additional complexity.

Cant be included in the F release branch, so will try take it as PoC  and after review include in the master for the next release.

XinMiao agrees to this approach.


Scope is reduced to bare minimal , there is no dependency with other modules of ONAP (SDC, AAI and OOF).

There will be no optimization as the selection of the best possible for now.

This will be the basic functional feature provided for the F release, will be extended further to the expected feature in the G release.

To ensure the existing functionality not to be broken and verify in the CMCC (CCVPN) , Swisscom (BBS), Windriver (Integration) and the Orange (MDO) labs. To work wit the Usecase leaders to ensure there is no impact.



Verified in the Swisscom lab for the BBS, 5G slicing is being tested by the CMCC in their lab.

CCVPN tested in the local need to check the SOTN on the UNI ...


SOL002 Adapter - supports EM-triggered VNF/VNFC Management

SO-2428: SO changes merged.

  • Use-case testing will be delayed post M4. 

  • CSIT testing will be delayed probably to G release -

  • Manual testing is in progress and expected to completed by this week. - Done


Demo ready.


Release notes description:

Ve-Vnfm Adapter (aka SOL002 Adapter) registers in external VNFM for VNF LCM notifications (ETSI SOL002 v. 2.5.1)

Ve-Vnfm Adapter (aka SOL002 Adapter) sends DMaaP events based on ETSI VNF LCM notifications received from external VNFMs (ETSI SOL002 v. 2.5.1)


Demo is provided last week, the code is merged.

CSIT testing in progress and we need it to be checked if pushed by G release.


SO Catalog Management Support

No risk, code by this week, testing to be completed. 

For F release we noticed to have some non-functional issues, working on the alternatives, need to check if this could be moved to the ESTI catalog manager for G release. Dependency on the SDC for the ETSI type if possible.

  • More testing is in progress 

  • Closed


ready for the Integration testing.


Support of ETSI Catalog management among the SDC - SO SDC Controller - ONAP-ETSI Catalog Manager.

  • SDC supports SOL004 package onboarding

  • SO SDC Controller invokes ETSI Catalog Manager if the incoming package is SOL004-based

  • ETSI Catalog Manager queries SDC CSAR files for the given CSAR ID and stores the original vendor package into the ETSI Catalog Database


Found a issues on the catalog mgr and informed to the VFC team, its to be checked.

E2E testing will be tested after this patch is applied.


Support 5G slice orchestration

working on OOF integration part, Final integration testing of OOF. This week the coding is targeted. Testing will continue next week, have dependency on OOF.

AAI 1.6.4 is released and unblocked for the code to checked in , would be done by EOD today. UT is in progress and expected to be completed by next week. Testing would be conducted in the CMCC and windriver lab with the simulator in place.


All changes are merged , testing started in CMCC Lab.


No blockin issue reported, SO oof integration is in progress.

Dependency on the OOM changes for the NSSMF adapter that needs to be merged.


SO support of Network Slicing Demo in Frankfurt

Demo will follow the same as above. Last week the demo has been addressed. - Closed


ETSI Alignment Support - SOL003 Adapter Enhancement for Frankfurt

No risk, testing in progress, and it will be done before March 2nd. TLS between SOL003 Adapter and SVNFM could be moved to the G release.  

  • Done, Demo has been presented to the SO team

  • Closed


ready for the Integration testing.  certificates from MSB are being updated and tested.


SOL003 Adapter Enhancement for Frankfurt

  • SOL003 Adapter supports the following ETSI Package Management (v2.5.1) by leveraging the ETSI Catalog Manager. 

  • SOL003 Adapter supports the following ETSI Package Management (v2.5.1) for SVNFM

    • Query VNF Package

    • Read VNFD

    • Fetch VNF Package Artifacts

    • Subscribe

    • Query Subscription Info

    • Terminate Subscription

    • Notify

    • Secure communication between SOL003 Adapter and ETSI Catalog Manager thru MSB


Found a issues on the catalog mgr and informed to the VFC team, its to be checked.

E2E testing will be tested after this patch is applied.

CSIT testing is in progress, the issue in on the F release.


AAI update for VNF improvements


SO Multicloud plugin to Multicloud improvements

Testing effort, will need to take it as per the need. Https call to the MC. dependency on the changes of the MC. 

Plan to complete this by next week.

Should ensure the openstack part of the code is not impacted. Build failure of SO and the oom patch update needs to be corrected for the msb input.


MSB changes are merged in OOM for the HTTPS config.

Testing is in progress. MC is in progress of HTTPs movement.


Testing is in progress, the env is being setup.

Intel Windriver lab is being setup with the env.


support Java 11 upgrade

The initial analysis is done. the code is being done in a separate branch and testing is in progress for the vFW usecase.

Oparent should be 3.0.0

Java SDK should be the one from Integration team.

Deferred it G release. Will continue the work and merge to the master.

Att is doing an internal PoC on the migration will take the inputs.


 TSC must have

SO code coverage after the migration to sonar cloud is 64% - PASS

SO/libs - 67% - PASS

All Http port to migrate to the Https:

 Waiver for the 30227  port is granted 

30224 is fixed

Vulnerabilities fix - So/libs -Done


Issues have been addressed, the issues need to be addressed.


Issues open :

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution
