SO Weekly Meeting 2020-06-17
SO needs to update RC1 score, Frankfurt Release Requirements, 2: Frankfurt Release Integration Testing Status
Project Status in Frankfurt Release
RC2 is 1.6.3 released on May 29th
Under gating review and would be merged to the master and F releases of OOM
Need to work on the 1.6.4 as a patch release to accommodate
Appc Orchestraor changes to be merged for the patch (SO-2903)
need to make the changes of including the appc- orchestrtor in Frankfurt branch
oom changes to be merged to the franckfurt - oom release
MDOS DELETE bug fix to be included (SO-2967)
changes are committed by Srini and needs to be verified on the lastest dockers (staging)
To be merged to both master and frankfurt branches
Topics for Guilin (Master Branch)
Topic Java 11 upgrade : (Max and Rajiv (HCL))
The basic push has been made necessary for the java 11 are pushed, they are being tested in the ATT lab (JDK 11.13??) internally at the present and the required changes would be merged as and when needed
The questions that needs to be addressed are
The JDK version (need to refer to the integration refered one)
move to the open JDK
oparent changes to be taken into consideration
Docker dependencies
Build and Jenkins jobs dependencies
the code specific dependencies (from JDK 8 to JDK 11)
Mocking dependencies
SO simulator package needs introduction and should be made workable - Max check with Dmitri and get back... (Robot scripts)
The way to use it - documentation
How part of the puzzle does it solve
need to check the interactions with openstack / sdnc / ..
For AAI in-memory datatbase mode is ued to emulate the testing
CSIT usage - need to explore this part
Validation of the post checkins - verify build.
improvement around this area of external component dependencies
Docker compose
Older docker files to be updated
need to update the documents of the dockers how to use in the dev env
for the new pods included to improve the documentation and usage - developer friendly
The Password removal from the OOM - AAF integration / Service mesh (AAA)...
To consult the integration and security teams (Sylvain and Krzystof )
Draft the plan to make sure what is the way out
work on the most required pieces of the code and resolve the listed issues
Meeting recording:
Frankfurt Release Integration Test Blocking Issues
Integration Weather Board for Frankfurt Release
ARC Service Orchestrator Component Description - Frankfurt
Issues open :