Parallel Session A&AI
This template is to be used for the “Parallel Deep Dive Sessions to Align with architecture / Use cases” at the may ONAP developers event
The purpose of each section is to translate the use cases and functional architecture into specific identified needs for the components, and to identify potential projects to be proposed. There are three parts to this exercise:
Identify needs based on the use case and architecture on this module, and potential dependencies on other modules or external artifacts.
Group these into projects. Consider that coding, documentation, and testing is required. Include an initial scope for the project.
If time, mapping the needs into the projects.
The need identification table has the following columns
- Identified need: <slogan for the identified need>
- Brief need description: <a few sentences describing the need>
- Driver:<Related use case or architecture change, if any>
- Dependencies:<identify dependencies on other modules or artifacts (e.g. other onap module, models, …)
- Project: <If time, after the projects are identified, suggest in which project the need would best fit>
Time keeping suggestion: The exercise time is 45 minutes. A good practice would be to split into 20 minutes on need identification and 20 minutes on project proposals.
Exercise output.
ONAP Meeting Session name: <insert onap module name>
Need Identification:
Identified Need | Description | Driver | Dependencies | Project fit |
Project proposals.
Project 1:
Project Name:
- Move to Active OS Graph Project
Project Description
Titan has no active Open Source community. No community updates for over 1 year.
Need to put A&AI onto Active graph project.
Janus good candidate.
Janus supports Tinkerpop Abstraction.
Janus is evolution of Titan
Project 2:
Project Name:
- Scalable, HA A&AI.
Project Description
Back end needs to be HA. Need to confirm, explore.
Testing vs performance, throughput
Scaling A&AI
This could be covered by an ONAP level requirement for HA
Scaling may be ONAP Controller domain
Project 3:
Project Name:
- A&AI Reconciliation from Network/Cloud.
Project Description
Need to refresh from VIM
Different VIMs have different levels of detail.
MSO has this UC also.
Variety of different options here (SO, COntroller, VIM).
Project 4:
Project Name:
- Extend Model-driven A&AI Usecases
Project Description
Move forward the A&I model-driven story, driven by3 use-case requirements
For Resource, service and schema change.
Includes definition of (model-driven) API
Model evolution
Project 5:
Project Name:
- Track Change through Time
Project Description
Tracking the Service, Resource changes across time
Support for point in time service/resource detail, e.g. for assurance
Project 6:
Project Name::
Distributed A&AI
Project Description
How does A&AI serve local orchestrator, local DCAE across large geographical regions
Resource data, interim data cant be centralized - too costly.