ONAP Beijing Release Developer Forum, Dec. 11-13, 2017, Santa Clara, CA US

ONAP Beijing Release Developer Forum, Dec. 11-13, 2017, Santa Clara, CA US

Event Sessions, Speaker Bios and Presentations

Searchable by Day, Forum Track,  Session Name, Speaker Name, Venue.  Presentation links are at the bottom of the session page

Instructions for Presentation and Session Recording Upload

Presentation Upload

 REQUIRED: Upload a PDF copy of your presentation to the wiki:  

- Go to the event wiki page  ONAP Beijing Release Developer Forum,  December 11-13, 2017, Santa Clara, CA, USA 
- Click on the three dots in the upper right of the page and select “Attachments” from the pulldown.
- upload the PDF of your presentation

-Required: besure the PDF of your presentation has the same name as your session title

-We will then link your presentation to your session in the grid below
NOTE: If you have already uploaded a your preso to Sched we will do that for you.

Session Recording
OPTIONAL: if you made A Zoom recording of your Breakout session, upload it to the wiki:
- locate the m4 recording file of your session (Found in the the Zoom folder in your Documents directory by default)
Required: rename the file from zoom_#.mp4 to your-session-name.mp4. 

-We will then link your recording to your session in the grid below

Note: Main session recordings have been uploaded for you and are bring indexed now.

Session Recordings (where provided):

Monday, Dec 11, 2017 

Auditorium Session Recording (AM)Recording Time IndexPresentationSession Information


00:03:50 (no audio)
Welcome & Logistics -Rajesh Gadiyar
BeijingDevForum2017-Dec-11-main-0.mp400:14:10 (no audio)
Opening RemarksArpit Joshipura
TSC Meeting- Beijing Scope and Priority -Mazin Gilbert
BeijingDevForum2017-Dec-11-main-0.mp401:00:13Beijing Functional Requirements for TSC ApprovalTSC Meeting- Review Use Cases/Requirements for Beijing Release -Alla Goldner
TSC Meeting- Target Architecture Review for Beijing -Chris Donley
TSC Meeting- Beijing Release Plan Review -Gildas Lanilis

TSC Meeting- Target Software Architecture Review for Beijing -Chris Donley • Mazin Gilbert • Jason Hunt
Amsterdam Lessons Learned -Helen Chen
Auditorium Session Recording (PM)

Session Information


ONAP Amsterdam Architecture -Chris Donley



(no video)

An Introduction to the ONAP Operations Manager (OOM) -Mike Elliott • David Sauvageau

Deploy ONAP/OOM on Any Environment -Michael O'Brien
VNF SDK supporting VNF Onboarding -Chris Donley
AAI Abstractions & Extensibility -Adrian Batos-Parac

Telemetry and Analytics for the NFV World - IOAM, DCAE, PNDA -Frank Brockners
Active, or Planned Deployments of ONAPJamil Chawki • Eric Debeau

Monday- Breakout Session 

Tuesday, Dec 12, 2017 

Tuesday- Breakout Sessions

RecordingPresentationSession Information

DCAE+PNDA huddle

VNF Onboarding Experience review