Control Loop Sub Committee - Beijing Integration Testing Plan
Testing Assumptions
A single VES Collector will be pre-deployed for all flows
DCAE project will 'hand-craft' a blueprint for TCA deployment using Kubernetes
SDC (DCAE-Design Studio) will not generate the blueprint programmatically
CLAMP will deploy an instance of TCA microservice for each use case (vCPE, vFirewall, etc.)
CLAMP will create the initial configuration policy for TCA and make any subsequent updates to it through API to Policy
Initial TCA configuration policy and subsequent updates will be sent by policy to DCAE policy handler
TCA microservice will process updates to its configuration policy
TCA microservice will not be capable of processing multiple configuration policies
Preparation for Testing
Deploy VES Blueprint to DCAE which will deploy the VES collector
Generate TCA Blueprint
Confirm validity of previously-generated (and uploaded to Policy) TCA Policy model
Make sure that policy model for TCA is already uploaded to Policy GUI - this should be done as part of initial Policy container deployment
Store policy model for TCA in local repository
Testing Flow
This sequence of flows below will be repated for all services being tested (vCPE, vFirewall, vDNS)
Flow 1: Design and Distribute First Control Loop
UML Code for Flow 1
title Creating the service design in SDC and distributing design artifacts
actor SDC_Tester
participant SDC
participant CLAMP
box "DCAE controller"
participant "Service Change Handler" as SCH
database Inventory
end box
note over SDC_Tester: Closed loop 1
SDC_Tester -> SDC : Design vCPE service composed\nof one VNF resource
SDC_Tester -> SDC : Upload DCAE TCA blueprint\nas artifact
SDC_Tester -> SDC : Test, certify, distribute the service design
SDC -> CLAMP : Blueprint distribution
SDC -> SCH : Blueprint distribution
SCH -> Inventory : Save blueprint
Testing Directions
Log into SDC as designer (cs0008)
Create a service
In Composition, create a resource instance in the service
On the composition canvas, click on the resource instance
On the panel on the right, click on the second tab (Deployment Artifacts)
Click "Add Artifact"
Assign values to the artifacts as in the below screenshot, and upload the provided blueprint.
Submit the Service for Testing
Log in as a Tester user (jm0007)
Test the Service and Approve It
Log in as a Governance User (gv0001)
Approve Service for Distribution
Log in as Operations User (op0001)
Distribute Service
Monitor Service to see that both DCAE and Clamp clients have successfully deployed the artifact
Step Range | Description | Status | Notes |
1-3 | Upload artifact and distribute | Tested |
4 | Process distribution in CLAMP | Tested |
5-6 | Process distribution in DCAE | Tested |
Flow 2: Configure and Deploy First Control Loop
Step Range | Description | Status | Notes |
1-3 | CLAMP Creates Policies | Tested with workaround | Has been tested, but outstanding bug on Policy, which requires manual workaround on Policy GUI POLICY-775: CLAMP Create Configuration Policy failsClosed - fixed based on POLICY-777 |
4-11 | CLAMP Starts deployment in DCAE | Tested |
12-17 | CLAMP starts getting deployment status | Tested |
18-22 | DCAE gets and stores TCA policy |
23-25 | DCAE deploys TCA | Tested |
26-30 | TCA gets Policy |
31-35 | CLAMP gets final status | Tested | Fix required for successful status to be passed back - DCAEGEN2-482: Multi-port component deployment does not become healthyClosed - this is done |
UML Code for Flow 2
title Configure and Deploy First Control Loop
actor CLAMP_Tester
participant CLAMP
participant Policy
box "DCAE controller"
database Inventory
participant "Deployment-handler" as DH
control "Cloudify+plugin" as Cloudify
participant "Policy-handler" as PH
database "Consul-kv" as consul
participant "Config-binding service" as CBS
control k8s
end box
participant TCA_Instance
note over CLAMP_Tester: Closed loop 1
hnote right CLAMP_Tester: decided to install TCA
CLAMP_Tester -> CLAMP : Configure thresholds\n of control loop
CLAMP_Tester -> CLAMP : Configure actions\n of control loop
activate CLAMP
CLAMP -> Policy : Create Configuration\n and Operational Policies
CLAMP -> Inventory : Get DCAE Service Id\n based on Distributed Parameters
group install TCA_Instance
CLAMP -> DH : install instance of TCA with policy_id as input
activate DH
DH -> Inventory : get blueprint for TCA
Inventory --> DH : blueprint for TCA
DH -> Cloudify : install TCA_Instance
activate Cloudify
Cloudify --> DH : started: execution_id
DH --> CLAMP : started installation: url to get status
deactivate DH
CLAMP -> CLAMP : sleep
group CLAMP polling for installation status
CLAMP -> CLAMP : wake up
activate CLAMP #DarkSalmon
CLAMP -> DH : get status of installation
activate DH #DarkSalmon
DH -> Cloudify : get execution status
activate Cloudify #DarkSalmon
Cloudify --> DH : status: started
deactivate Cloudify
DH --> CLAMP : installation status: **processing**
deactivate DH
CLAMP -> CLAMP : sleep
deactivate CLAMP
end group
Cloudify -> PH : get policy\n by policy_id
PH -> Policy : /getConfig policy for policyName = policy_id
Policy --> PH : return found policy
PH --> Cloudify : policy by policy_id
Cloudify -> consul: store config with policies\n for TCA_Instance
Cloudify -> k8s: create instance of TCA
activate k8s
create TCA_Instance
k8s -> TCA_Instance: deploys
activate TCA_Instance
k8s --> Cloudify: created instance of TCA
deactivate k8s
deactivate Cloudify
TCA_Instance -> CBS: get Config\n and policies\n (**new API**)
CBS -> consul: get Config\n and policies
consul --> CBS: Config\n and policies
CBS --> TCA_Instance: Config and policies
TCA_Instance -->]: run
group CLAMP polling for installation status
CLAMP -> CLAMP : wake up
activate CLAMP #DarkSalmon
CLAMP -> DH : get status of installation
activate DH #DarkSalmon
DH -> Cloudify : get execution status
activate Cloudify #DarkSalmon
Cloudify --> DH : status: terminated
deactivate Cloudify
DH --> CLAMP : installation status: **succeeded**
deactivate DH
deactivate CLAMP
end group
hnote over CLAMP: installed TCA
deactivate CLAMP
end group
Testing Directions
Log into CLAMP using credentials admin/password
Select Open CL from Closed Loop Menu
You will find the Closed Loop model that has been distributed from SDC. Its name has the form: CLAMP + <Service name> + <version> + <resource name>. For example, below there is a closed loop model for serivce 'intsrv1', version 1.0 and resource vLBMS0.
This will bring up a view of the control loop model. This allows you to create the TCA configuration policy and Operational Policy.
Fill in the details of the Operational Policy by clicking on Policy
Fill in the details of the Configuration Policy by clicking on TCA
Choose Save CL from Closed Loop Menu
Choose Submit from Manage Menu
The Status will change to "Distributed"
Choose Deploy from Manage Menu
The deploy window provides a JSON of inputs to provide to the deploy call:
The policyId field should be kept as-is
The rest of the JSON object should be replaced by the following. external_port and scn_name need to be unique across existing deployments of TCA microservice
This may take on the order of tens of seconds, as it waits for DCAE to report final success.
Once the Deployment is successful in DCAE, Status will change to "Active"
Flow 3: Run Control Loop After Deployment
UML Code for Flow 3
Step Range | Description | Status | Notes |
1-5 | Onset after deploying CL |
| App-C bug on receiving RESET request - |
6-8 | Abate after deploying CL |
Flow 4: Update Control Loop by Reconfiguring TCA
UML Code for Flow 4
Run Control Loop Again
After the control loop is reconfigured, we test that the changes have taken effect. This is done by running the control loop again. For example, if the threshold value was increased, we would initiate an event with the old threshold value, and see that the signature is no longer produced.
Testing Directions
Click on either the Policy box or the TCA box in order to bring up the details of the given policy
Update the values on the policy
Choose Update from the Manage CL Menu
Step Range | Description | Status | Notes |
1-2 | CLAMP updates policy |
| POLICY-779: Policy Update hangsClosed Policy update API call does not return; root cause thought to be in POLICY-777: PAP: frequent failing of provisioning transactions because of DB locking table errorsClosed - these have been fixed |
3-5 | Updated policy sent to DCAE |
6-11 | Updated policy stored in DCAE |
12-17 | TCA retrieves new policy |
Flow 5: Stop and Restart Control Loop
UML Code for Flow 5
Testing Directions
Choose Stop from the Manage Menu
The Status will change to "Stopped"
To verify, check Policy GUI to confirm that the BRMS policy under the control loop's scope has been removed
Choose Restart from the Manage Menu
The Status will change back to "Active"
To verify, check Policy GUI to confirm that the BRMS policy under the control loop's scope has been returned
Step Range | Description | Status | Notes |
1-2 | Operational Policy (action) is disabled |
| Disabling of action is tested |
| Operational Policy (action) is enabled |
| Onset is tested after enabling action |
| Abatement is tested after enabling action |
Flow 6: Undeploy Control Loop
Choose Undeploy from the Manage Menu
The Status will change to "Distributed"
To verify, check DCAE to make sure that the TCA instance has been removed