vCPE - Test Status
Category: VNF Onboarding and Service Creation
vCPE VNFs Onboarding
Test Case ID | T201 |
Test Case Name | vCPE VNFs Onboarding |
Description | Onboard vDHCP, vAAA, vDNS, WebServer, vBRG, vBNG, vGMux, vG |
Actual Results | All VNFs onboarded successfully with Robot script (TODO: add screenshot) |
Conclusion (Pass/Fail) | Pass |
Testing Lab | WindRiver Lab, Integration-SB-03 |
Testing Date | Nov. 26, 2018 |
Tester Name | Yang and Brian |
vCPE Service Creation
Test Case ID | T202 |
Test Case Name | vCPE Service Creation |
Description | This creates vCPE service |
Actual Results | All service created and distributed successfully (TODO: screenshot) |
Conclusion (Pass/Fail) | Pass |
Testing Lab | WindRiver Lab, Integration-SB-03 |
Testing Date | Nov. 26, 2018 |
Tester Name | Yang and Brian |
Closed Loop Configuration
Test Case ID | T203 |
Test Case Name | Closed loop configuration |
Description | Create and distribute closed loop artifacts from CLAMP |
Actual Results | Policy is preset. No need to design in this use case |
Conclusion (Pass/Fail) | Pass |
Testing Lab | WindRiver Lab, Integration-SB-03 |
Testing Date | Nov. 26, 2018 |
Tester Name | Yang and Brian |
Closed Loop Deployment
Test Case ID | T204 |
Test Case Name | Closed loop deployment |
Description | Deploy and activate closed loop control for vCPE |
Actual Results | Closed loop is preset in DCAE with ONAP install, and policy is installed with a preinstalled script (see details in Use Case service design wiki) |
Conclusion (Pass/Fail) | Pass |
Testing Lab | WindRiver Lab, Integration-SB-03 |
Testing Date | Nov. 26, 2018 |
Tester Name | Yang and Brian |
Category: Service Instantiation and Monitoring
Infrastructure Service Instantiation
Test Case ID | T301 |
Test Case Name | vCPE Infrastructure Service Instantiation |
Description | This test covers the infrastructure service instantiation process, including DHCP, AAA, DNS, Webserver, vBNG, and vGMux. |
Actual Results | All networks and VNF were successfully instantiated (TODO: screenshot) |
Conclusion (Pass/Fail) | Pass |
Testing Lab | WindRiver Lab SB-03 |
Testing Date | Nov. 26, 2018 |
Tester Name | Yang and Brian |
Customer Service Instantiation
Test Case ID | T302 |
Test Case Name | vCPE Customer Service Instantiation |
Description | This test covers the customer service instantiation process, including vBRG emulator and vG and the related configuration. |
Actual Results | Customer service successfully instantiated and configured. Need to manually update temp_network_heat_template and network_resource tables to set aic_version_max = 3.0 |
Conclusion (Pass/Fail) | Pass |
Testing Lab | WindRiver Lab SB-03 |
Testing Date | Nov. 26, 2018 |
Tester Name | Yang and Brian |
Category: Closed Loop
vCPE Auto-healing
Test Case ID | T401 |
Test Case Name | vCPE Auto-healing |
Description | This test covers the closed loop to restart vGMux when packet loss is detected. |
Actual Results | Closed loop test succeeded. Was able to restart vGMUX VM at the expected event. Need to manually insert identity-url for CloudRegion in A&AI TODO: Screenshot of vgmux reboot |
Conclusion (Pass/Fail) | Pass |
Testing Lab | WindRiver Lab SB-03 |
Testing Date | Nov. 26, 2018 |
Tester Name | Yang and Brian |
Category: Service Termination
vCPE Service Termination
Test Case ID | T501 |
Test Case Name | vCPE Service Termination |
Description | This test covers vCPE service termination process |
Actual Results | Succeeded in removing all components of the customer service with Openstack operation and script TODO: screenshot of stack and network after deletion |
Conclusion (Pass/Fail) | Pass |
Testing Lab | WindRiver Lab SB-03 |
Testing Date | Nov. 26, 2018 |
Tester Name | Yang and Brian |
ONAP Beijing: Understanding the vFWCL use-case mechanism
Configuring SNIRO Emulator for vCPE Testing
Issues fixed during integration test
Set up ONAP and health check
Number | Issues | JIRA | Workaround |
1 | SDNC fails health check intermittently | SDNC-482: SDNC health check fails intermittently in clustering modeClosed | Reduce replica from 3 to 1 and not using clustering make the problem go away |
2 | SDC GUI doesn't come up | The workaround is find an old working image for sdc-frontend and replace the failing one | |
3 | SO fails on health check due to bpmn can't start | SO-1166: SO bpmn pod can't startClosed | Find a older working bpmn image from nexus3 repo and replace image version in Helm deployment with kubectl edit command |
4 | Portal GUI doesn't work on 8989 port | Use Firefox with portal 30225, and when switching to SDC click on the info icon at the url bar and accept unsecure access to SDC GUI | |
5 | All health check failed, due to the connection failure in k8s. All cluster nodes are in Ready state: root@oom-rancher:~/oom/kubernetes/robot# kubectl -n onap get node | Restart oom-orch node can make k8s correction problem go away. You may have to restart a few pod manually like aaf-locate and aaf-service. But ONAP data seems preserved. |
VNF onboarding, service creation and distribution
Number | Issue Description | JIRA | Workaround |
1 | AAI model loader fails model distribution. It appears AAI widgets are not loaded after initialization. The model loader error log shows 404 Not Found error like: 2018-11-01T22:39:25.117Z|5d569c28-6e2b-410f-98f2-17d11e978f5d|pool-2-thread-10|ModelLoader|Event-Bus|AAIRESTClient||INFO|AC0004I|AC0004I request at url = https://aai.onap:8443/aai/v14/service-design-and-creation/models/model/bb540550-d449-4745-b769-18f66508c56e resulted in http response: 404 Not Found| | AAI-1759: AAI model loader failed model distributionReopened | run the script manually root@oom-rancher:~# kubectl exec -it dev-aai-aai-traversal-b95847c96-fklkx -n onap gosu aaiadmin /opt/app/aai-traversal/bin/install/ |
2 | Model distribution fails in SDNC because ueb-listener did not connect to SDC successful when starting | SDNC-472: UEB Listener at start fails to get data from SDCReopened | Bounce ueb-listener can resolve the issue |
3 | Model distribution fails on SO due to missing table entry for Generic NeutronNet | SO-1184: Database table is not populated for Generic NeutronNet resourceClosed | sql to insert dataINSERT INTO catalogdb.heat_template(`ARTIFACT_UUID`, `NAME`, `VERSION`, `BODY`, `TIMEOUT_MINUTES`, `DESCRIPTION`, `CREATION_TIMESTAMP`, `ARTIFACT_CHECKSUM`) VALUES('efee1d84-b8ec-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a', 'Generic NeutronNet', '1',
'heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
description: A simple Neutron network
type: string
description: Name of the Neutron Network
default: ONAP-NW1
type: boolean
description: Shared amongst tenants
default: True
description: Openstack network identifier
value: { get_resource: network }
type: OS::Neutron::Net
name: { get_param: network_name }
shared: { get_param: shared }
', 10, 'Generic Neutron Template', NOW(), 'MANUAL RECORD');
INSERT INTO catalogdb.heat_template_params(`HEAT_TEMPLATE_ARTIFACT_UUID`, `PARAM_NAME`, `IS_REQUIRED`, `PARAM_TYPE`, `PARAM_ALIAS`) VALUES('efee1d84-b8ec-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a', 'shared', 0, 'string', NULL);
INSERT INTO catalogdb.temp_network_heat_template_lookup (`NETWORK_RESOURCE_MODEL_NAME`, `HEAT_TEMPLATE_ARTIFACT_UUID`,`AIC_VERSION_MIN` , `AIC_VERSION_MAX` ) VALUES ('Generic NeutronNet','efee1d84-b8ec-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a','2.0','2.5'); If table is populated with wrong content (e.g. Generic NetronNet yaml), you can run SQL command to update it root@mariadb:/# cat
mysql -uroot -ppassword -e 'update catalogdb.heat_template set body="
heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
description: A simple Neutron network
type: string
description: Name of the Neutron Network
default: ONAP-NW1
type: boolean
description: Shared amongst tenants
default: False
description: Openstack network identifier
value: { get_resource: network }
type: OS::Neutron::Net
name: { get_param: network_name }
shared: { get_param: shared }" where name="Generic NeutronNet"' |
4 |
Service Instantiation
Number | Issue | JIRA | Workaround |
1 | Failed to create vCPE customer service with error message in bpmn log as Cannot orchestrate Service-Macro-Create without user params with a vnf | ||
2 | DHCP_MAP is not populated in SDNC because kea DHCP is not downloaded correctly | You can manually download kea lib. See vCPE tutorial | |
3 | CloudOwner is not defined in SDNC configuration. vCPE customer service instantiation will fail | SDNC-448: Generic-Resource-API: VNF-Topology-Assign missing cloud-ownerClosed | Add container sdnc-sdnc-0: /opt/sdnc/data/properties/ |
4 | Customer service instantiation uses self-service flow and failed to find cloud owner | SDNC-511: vCPE customer service instantiation should not use self service flowClosed | Add preload to GRA for the vBRG based on SO name to be assigned zRegionOne1base_vgw_0 , zRegionOne2base_vgw_0, etc. |
5 | SUBCATEGORY and ALLOTTED_RESOURCE_ROLE not set in allotted_resource_customization/allotted_resource tables correctly | SDC-1909: vCPE Tunnel XConn : allottedResourcEtype is failing to match SO triggerClosed SO-1200: vCPE BRG allottedResourceRole is nullClosed SO-1208: SUBCATEGORY not set correctly in allotted_resource table for BRGClosed | Manually update the allotted_resource table and allotted_resource_customization tables to set TunellXCon and BRG |
6 | mso.workflow.sdnc.replication.delay not set in override.yaml for BPMN | SO-1198: mso.workflow.sdnc.replication.delay parameter missing in configClosed | Manually set it to PT60S |
7 | SO query to AAI after SDNC service-topology-operation fails - arUrl is null | Need patch | |