Control Loop Sub-committee Elections 2019
Purpose of this wiki page
As per the ONAP working procedures there should be a yearly election of the Control Loop sub-committee chairperson.
There will be a single vote to select a chair.
This wiki page is to manage the process and capture the conclusion of the sub-committee chairperson elections.
Voting will follow the recommendations described on: Voting Best Practices
Voting Members
This table is self filled out. The purpose is only for subcommittee election voting (the email addresses will be used to send out the vote).
Anyone that feels they are part of the community may put their name here; however only one voting member is allowed per company that that should be indicated.
Voter Status legend for Election Purposes | |
Green: Member is fully qualified to vote Section
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Yellow: More than 1 company member is qualified as per Section Section
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Red and/or Red text: Member is qualified as per Section Section
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Blue: Member is not qualified for ballot as per Section member's name was added to Membership list after TBD. This occurred after the nomination process was started by the LF and therefore the representative is not qualified to vote in this year's election. |