2019-03-27 (March 27)
8:00am Eastern
Status and Stucks
Technical Discussion
Making the PTL Happy
Status and Stucks
Current POMBA Dublin Stories (Logging Project) -
Current Code Inspections
POMBA 6 hour healthcheck (full 200G CD deployment) - http://kibana.onap.info:5601/app/kibana#/dashboard/AWAtvpS63NTXK5mX2kuS
General Status
Stories in progress:
N/A (Not working on any formal stories at this point)
Stories to be formally verified before closure:
https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/LOG-779 (Waiting on a few bugs to close)
Stories closed since last meeting:
New content
Added 6 new health checks for POMBA, and 1 more in progress
Bugs to enter:
Latest security scan results show ~9 medium issues that should be recorded (but aren't severe enough to merit immediate work).
Bugs entered in last week:
Bugs in progress:
Bugs to be verified:
Bugs closed off since last meeting:
Technical Discussion
Consider demo schedules
@J. Ram Balasubramanian will forecast demos as development progresses
Data Dictionary & Network Discovery- Dec 20
L2 Network data (Feb 21)
video available
Additional enhancement
additional resources and rules
potentially other enhancements
We shall do in Logging Timeslot (11am eastern), Tuesday March 26th
All demos are complete. Thanks everyone!
Let Prudence know when we are ready to create artifacts for POMBA release (target end of month)
Do we need a task?
Norm is in the process of releasing the common model itself. Then will look at manifest update.
Request done by PTL
If there is order (model, other stuff, etc)
move from snapshot to .version
Then ask Linux foundation to formally release it
Include Prudence in any emails.
What timeline?
We will be code freeze end of day.
Modelleing changes are done.
Not sure exact process on how to release Pomba, or release later as part of Dublin
If team ready, do release now. Not expecting too much work after Friday, so makes sense to do now.
Note health check work does not impact this based on where it lives.
When ready to release, send email to Linux foundation.
How are our health checks?
We have added health checks to most items
Additional to track in backlog?
Just have one more to add - validation.
If it goes in, it will go in today.
Test goes in first, then OOM. (ordering of check ins)
Small window when integration team may trip over the partial checkin.
less than a day.
Need to do a serious bug scrub and ensure we are not doing any last minute submissions.
If we choose to not remaining bugs to next release now, that is OK.
Unassigned the resources to bugs we are no working on.
Validation upgrade investigation
Have determined this update is too risky/breaks Pomba/too much work
Schema versions at startup from A&AI
Too many changes
We will still use Casablanca version of validation engine.
Means extra work from when someone wants to take the data dictionary POC and productize it.
Chesla, Yong, Tanya and Anthony to talk more offline to unsure problem is understood.
Also need to ensure that no one accidentally picks up a new version and tries to use it with POMBA without doing the extra work.
Making the PTL Happy
From PTL
If you have concerns bring them to the TSC or the PTL meet - as I have a hard time convincing the TSC about issues without more developer voices
Should look at milestones and ensure we are in good shape.
API freeze is March 14th
Michael is starting to put together M3 checklist.
POMBA is ok for M3, according to Michael O.
M3 happened and we passed.
Note once we are complete the current set of work, it might make sense to roll the Pomba meeting back into the Logging meeting.
Today will be the last meeting in this timeslot.
Future discussions will be every seconds Tuesday at 11am Eastern in the Logging meeting