2019-01-03 (Jan 3)
Status and Stucks
Technical Discussion
Making the PTL Happy
Status and Stucks
Current POMBA Dublin Stories (Logging Project) -
Current Code Inspections
POMBA hourly healthcheck (CD deployment) - http://kibana.onap.info:5601/app/kibana#/dashboard/AWAtvpS63NTXK5mX2kuS
Status: RED – @Michael O'Brien will need to address what looks like some outages in the tool
20181219: The kibana image I am using saturates after a couple months - reverted to a Sept 2018 image - running OK now - from my AWS account
I lost my spot 64G vm last night to the market pricing - raised a new one this morning - results should be in in 2 hours
Issues with a couple pomba pods - are due to the fact that nexus3.onap.org has a 80x routing slowdown since the 17th - I have raised a proxy nexus3.onap.cloud for casablanca images and nexus4.onap.cloud for master images - but due to the speed - the pomba images won't be on the server until late friday (35 hour download of 40G) 19:43:27 onap onap-pomba-pomba-contextaggregator-d9f888c4-thtkn 0/1 Init:0/1 4 45m ip-172-31-23-144.us-east-2.compute.internal <none> 19:43:27 onap onap-pomba-pomba-networkdiscovery-555f4cff77-m6s6t 1/2 CrashLoopBackOff 13 45m ip-172-31-23-144.us-east-2.compute.internal <none>
Something broken? Not giving update updates. Still broken as of last night.
General Status
Bugs closed since last meeting:
Stories in progress (to be delivered this week):
LOG-404: Post Orchestration Audit – Data Dictionary InterfaceClosed
https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/LOG-514 : Network Discovery Asynchronous Response: HTTPS only
Stories to be formally verified before closure:
Bugs in progress:
Bugs to be verified:
Bugs closed off since last meeting:
We are a little behind in our verification efforts and are hoping to make this up over the holidays while there's not so much other stuff going on!
Technical Discussion
Integration Team discussion
When we know the Openstack/network discovery info will work in ONAP, we shall reach out to Brian and the Integration team again.
Logs now fixed, finding some additional bugs, but now easier to address. When resolved, can communicate.
How to test L2 Fabric
Some of that information may be not be available in ONAP
But the resources will be, even if for other reason.
Consider demo schedules
@David Stangl has identified some timeframes where demos would probably make sense based on current forecast
Data Dictionary & Network Discovery- Dec 20
L2 Network data - beginning of Feb?
Set a more specific date in January
Network Audit - end of Feb?
Added process page for new (or current) contributors:
Making the PTL Happy
ONAP Casablanca Maintenance? @Michael O'Brien as of now Logging and Pomba are not in 3.0.1-ONAP - only critical fixes should go in if we have any
Consider porting bugs into maintenance (add label for candidates)
Only high and highest ones. Ones that impact other components, prevent POMBA from launching or the audit to even start.
Note the following date to submit bug fixes into Casablanca - Dec 10 (M1), Jan 10 (Docker Release Image), Jan 24 (Release Notes)
Should look at milestones and ensure we are in good shape.
Feature commitment Jan 17
Functionality freeze Feb 14
API freeze is March 14th.