2019-02-07 (Feb 07)
2019-02-07 (Feb 07)
- Status and Stucks
- Technical Discussion
- Making the PTL Happy
- Status and Stucks
Current POMBA Dublin Stories (Logging Project) -
Current Code Inspections
- POMBA hourly healthcheck (CD deployment) - http://kibana.onap.info:5601/app/kibana#/dashboard/AWAtvpS63NTXK5mX2kuS
- General Status
- Casablanca (Maintenance)
- POMBA bug in the email chain - 915, 932, 950
Reduce Logstash core limit to 1 from 3 until LOG-LS and AAI-CS perf issue on the same VM is determined
In Progress
pomba-data-router pod does not come up in Casablanca MR
Closed in Dublin or Casablanca? Bug
periodic pomba-pomba-networkdiscoveryctxbuilder pod in CrashLoopBackoff due to timing
Assigned to Jmac, to look at - Note we said we were only fixing absolutely critical issues in Casablanca, are these them?
- Action Yong. Will reply later today
- Dublin
- Tasks to be closed off (just a technicality):
- Stories in progress: All 3 of them will be delivered by Feb-08.
- Stories to be formally verified before closure:
- Stories closed:
- Bugs to enter:
- Latest security scan results show ~9 medium issues that should be recorded (but aren't severe enough to merit immediate work).
- Bugs entered in last week:
- none
- Bugs in progress:
- Bugs to be verified:
- Bugs closed off since last meeting:
- Casablanca (Maintenance)
- Technical Discussion
- Note we need to be careful about breaking POMBA when in the middle of incremental updates, where OOM isn't yet done.
- Organizing Models and Swaggers between releases
- Basic navigation should take us to current
- It should also be possible to get Casablanca information
- Wiki needs some reorganization
- Consider demo schedules
- J. Ram Balasubramanian will forecast demos as development progresses
Data Dictionary & Network Discovery- Dec 20Done
- L2 Network data
- Let's demo with some rules.
- If we want validation run on new data, then Feb 21st makes more sense
- Additional enhancement - March 21st
- J. Ram Balasubramanian will forecast demos as development progresses
- Should ping the automation team on POMBA usage
- Chesla to ping Brian.
- Making the PTL Happy
- Dublin
- Should look at milestones and ensure we are in good shape.
- Feature commitment Jan 17 → pushed one week. Jan 24th. (M1)
- Prudence is supporting Michael for this activity.
- Functionality freeze Feb 14
- Not sure if this was impacted by M1 slip - nope - still the 14th
- API freeze is March 14th.
- Feature commitment Jan 17 → pushed one week. Jan 24th. (M1)
- Should look at milestones and ensure we are in good shape.
- Dublin
, multiple selections available,