2019-02-28 (Feb 28)
8:00am Eastern
Status and Stucks
Technical Discussion
Making the PTL Happy
Status and Stucks
Current POMBA Dublin Stories (Logging Project) -
Current Code Inspections
POMBA 6 hour healthcheck (full 200G CD deployment) - http://kibana.onap.info:5601/app/kibana#/dashboard/AWAtvpS63NTXK5mX2kuS
General Status
Stories in progress:
Stories to be formally verified before closure:
https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/SDNC-475: For network resource only and should be split into Network Discovery and ND context builder.
LOG-404: Post Orchestration Audit – Data Dictionary InterfaceClosed
Stories closed since last meeting:
Bugs to enter:
Latest security scan results show ~9 medium issues that should be recorded (but aren't severe enough to merit immediate work).
Bugs entered in last week:
LOG-996: ND-Ctx-Builder: using wrong p-interface description attributeClosed
AAI-2202: Cannot execute POMBA on latest master due to A&AI IssueClosed
Team focusing effort here. Will follow up with A&AI team for help
Bugs in progress:
Bugs to be verified:
https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/LOG-803 (Verify in OOM fails, assigned back to design)
Bugs closed off since last meeting:
Technical Discussion
Consider demo schedules
@J. Ram Balasubramanian will forecast demos as development progresses
Data Dictionary & Network Discovery- Dec 20
L2 Network data (Feb 21)
video available
Additional enhancement - March 21st
additional resources and rules
potentially other enhancements
Bugs raised; Issues fixed.
Chesla to review mapping and provide feedback
common model: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/POMBA+Common+Model
This is out of date.
common model mapping: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Dublin+Common+Model+Mapping
Reflects what has been implemented after some updates
Not all containers have health check enabled
The gaps should be tracked. Action J.Ram.
Validation Service and adding rules
Action Yong to improve page or create a new one with better steps.
Work has been done and Brian has seen
Still looking for feedback from various folks and will update as appropriate.
Step by step now available.
Issues raised in integration environment, we don't know how they have deployed. Need to figure out how to better work with integration team.
This relates to the POD issues, where it was a problem with their manifest.
We have no visibility of their current setup.
PTLs will discuss with integration team to decide best path.
There might be a late change to the PNF model
We might get impacted
Will they be backwards compatible? Ie, versioned
Sharon to follow up Jimmy.
Making the PTL Happy
Release notes being prepared.
Still seems to be open.
Data router version was upped. So, POMBA needed to update its version. This was integrated.
There was a bug and the A&AI team fixed it. Integration team tested the fix, but perhaps did not test POMBA
J. Ram will quickly test.
Michael O. did test already that the POD comes up and passes health check.
J. Ram will confirm we did an audit.
If you have concerns bring them to the TSC or the PTL meet - as I have a hard time convincing the TSC about issues without more developer voices
Also for committer promotion - the template needs more data - 90/180/360 day commits, jira, discuss groups, wiki, reviewed commits, meeting attendance - as one of the committers for integration was rejected last week - any developer listed for committer promotion must attend the TSC 9-1030 to promote themselves and answer questions
(+) 20190228: manifest confusion being addressed in TSC 2019-02-28 for https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/LOG-966
Should look at milestones and ensure we are in good shape.
Feature commitment Jan 17 → pushed one week. Jan 24th. (M1)
Prudence is supporting Michael for this activity.
we are at M2 not M1
Logging Dublin M2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist
Functionality freeze Feb 21/28
Any new APIs are supposed have draft definition, but this doesn't really apply to us
Michael has filled in the templates for POMBA. Should be good to go.
API freeze is March 14th (or has this slipped?)
Michael is starting to put together M3 checklist.