BBS Meeting Minutes
BBS M3 review in usecasesub call
Review table under Service instance related info: SO team needs clarification on how those service instance metadatum are provided to SO and which data needs to be stored as metadata in AAI vs SDNC MD-SAL vs data that is only needed at orchestration time
Demo ONS. Progress update
SDC / Model
Preparation for M3 use cases/functional requirements review in the use case subcommittee call:
Document APIs used by BBS use case
Any changes in scope, resources, repositories... since M1?
BBS Dublin M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist
Review BBS planning: BBS Planning
Demo ONS. Progress update
BBF Q1 presentation review
Demo ONS. Progress update
@Adrian OSullivan@michail salichos first testing with BSS UI backend during next week
@Stavros Kanarakis on track. Discussions with DCAE regarding code repository. Focusing on implementing BBS uS logic
@Xin Miao (Unlicensed)on track. Clarified interface with SDN-C
@victor gao to discuss with CCVPN team whether some DGs can be reused. Need to create JIRA issues for this.
SDC / Model
not started
on track. vBNG ready. @dbalsige & Huawei team setting up connectivity OLT-vBNG.
some members having issues connecting to VPN. @dbalsige will send a mail with new instructions to those members.
BBF Q1 presentation
@Tim Carey presented the slides to the team BBS_BBF_1Q2019.pptx
During the CPE PNF registration, who is responsible for persisting the attachment point info in AAI?
Update on AAI-2154: Add EdgeRules to cp/generic-vnf/pnf to support BBS use caseClosed
SO/SDNC: Potential impacts due to nested grouping param
Demo ONS progress
PRH will persist he attachment point info as a logical link related to the PNF object in AAI during PNF registration. The attachment point name will be provided in the PNF registration VES message
AAI-2154: BBS team needs more time before testing new code
Confirmed impacts to SO. There is commitment from SO PTL to implement required changes in Dublin.
Action items
SO/BBS mS/Policy
Confirm BBS uS-BBS Policy interface definition
Topology Discovery DG flow / GR-API in SDN-C
Demo ONS
AAI-2151. The BBS team decided to use the solution proposed by the modeling project team. Using a logical-link related to the CPE PNF instead of the attachmentPoint
AAI-2154. Question marks in AAI-BBS Proposals for Dublin Release are resolved
Demo ONS
First implementation by March 15. Checkpoint on March 7.
Priority on HSIA service creation and activation
Stretch goal: Nomadic ONT
Implementation tasks where distributed among resources in BBS team partners
Action items
New BBS modeling proposal
Feedback from modeling team on PNF attachment point
M2 requirements for BBS, what needs to be done by M2 (Feb 21)?
review attributes table (Model parameter lifecycle):
PNF attachment point in AAI for detecting nomadic ONT (l-interface vs string attribute)
Decide on topology discovery. Possible impact on SDN-C
M2 requirements for BBS
Current proposal is to have modeling draft agreed by M2 for releases beyond Dublin
Topology discovery
Not need for discovery and inventory of OLTs and PON UNIs/OLT NNIs in Dublin timeframe. Added value is minimal, maybe only for validating the attachment point info in PNF registration event. Decision is to not implement topology discovery in Dublin
Review of CP and AccessConnectivity modeling is needed, e.g. C/S-VLAN as property of the AccessConnectivity or CP?
PNF attachment point to be stored in AAI as a new string attribute of the PNF resource model. 'logical-interface' should not be used to capture the remote port identifier or attachment point.
Action items
M2 requirements for BBS, what needs to be done by M2 (Feb 21)? [not discussed]
Modeling: [not discussed]
review attributes table (Model parameter lifecycle):
PNF attachment point in AAI for detecting nomadic ONT (l-interface vs string attribute)
“SO microservice” discussion: microservice implementing SO’s service modification workflow as temporary solution for Dublin. The expectation is that we can replace this microservice with SO’s ServiceModify BPMN in R5+
Decide on topology discovery. Possible impact on SDN-C
Distribute VPN key passwords to access Swisscom Lab
Reviewed flow diagrams in order to accommodate the new "SO microservice" concept
VPN key passwords were distributed to contributors that asked for it
External API @Adrian OSullivan. Original mail here:
@Seshu Kumar Mudiganti@Keong Lim : Can someone from AAI/SO team correct/update these slides with what we should actually see in Dublin?
Added Notes on ONAP Service Instance State Model to TMF 638 Mapping
Submitted the code for EXTAPI-194: Use Service Inventory nodes query when retrieving Service InstanceClosed. BSS Portal can now query the Service Instance State using just the serviceInstanceID key
Review and finalize BBS model
Review PNF reregistration flow proposed by BBS Meeting Minutes during DDF
SDN-C northbound discussion
Impacts/Project Commitment (updates?)
Review and finalize BBS model
Review PNF reregistration flow proposed by @Benjamin Cheung during DDF [not covered]
SDN-C northbound discussion [not covered]
Impacts/Project Commitment (any updates?)
Impacts/Project Commitment
EXTAPI-98 committed by ExtAPI project. Related AAI-1996 epic is not required anymore for BBS
Policy: Identified potential requirements for CLAMP in the context of BBS
Commitment from Nokia team for DCAE epics (PRH and RG activation items)
BBS model
Need to clarify topology of CFS HSIA (service instantiated via ExternalAPI) and how per-customer RFS (Access, Internet) and Infrastructure RFS (shared by all customers) map to it. Check VoLTE use case (RFS as VF, substitution mapping)
Add Internet Profile to a new RFS, different from Access RFS, as Internet Profile can be linked to both Access and Edge
AccessConnection (PON UNI to OLT NNI connection in OLT) modeled as VFC instead of PNF
SDN-C topology discovery returns list of PON UNIs and OLT NNIs to be stored it in AAI
ONT renamed to CPE. CPE properties updated following industry best practices in this area. 'id' property for future usage
Next week, additional 1h BBS meetings (Mo-Tue-Wed) in order to progress towards M1
We will submit a proposal for presenting BBS use case at ONS. Target is to showcase a demo also during ONS.
Action items
2019.01.08 - 2019.01.11
Preparation for ONAP DDF
BBS modeling
Impacts/Project Commitment (updates?)
Update on Edge SDN M&C + BNG/AAA/DHCP implementation
Discussion on Nomadic ONT flows / 5G PnP
BBS modeling proposal
Impacts/Project Commitment (any update?) [not covered]
Update on Edge SDN M&C + BNG/AAA/DHCP implementation [not covered]
Update on development environment setup
BBS modeling proposal
@Stavros Kanarakis presented the BBS CFS&RFS Modeling proposal together with a high level work flow for HSIA service activation (BBS Modeling, see first comment).
@victor gao also added in the comments section a proposal for the BBS modeling to be discussed in the next BBS meeting (and offline)
Discussion on Nomadic ONT flows / 5G PnP
How can we support DOA (Dead on Arrival) cases, which are frequent with ONTs, without having to update the correlation ID?
One option is to use an alias that maps to ONT vendor + s/n. If ONT s/n changes (replacement ONT sent to the customer), we only need to change the mapping. Disadvantage is that the operator needs to configure such alias in the ONT before sending to the customer.
Current practice (defined by BBF) is to use vendor+s/n to uniquely identify the ONT device
As the correlation ID (pnfName field) is customizable, the decision is to continue with ONT vendor + s/n as correlation ID, meaning pnfName=ONT vendor + s/n in AAI and sourceName=ONT vendor + s/n in VES registration message.
ONT vendor + s/n is communicated to ONAP as part of the service order request coming from BSS to the External API
In case of ONT DOA, we could use service 'modify' action in ExtAPI to change ONT s/n or delete and issue a new service order request
Current 5G PnP implements a 2 weeks timeout for SO while waiting for the PNF READY event (PNF registration).
In principle, 2 weeks is also fine for ONT registration, but we should check whether this period can be configured and how
Current 5G PnP associates a PNF AAI entry to a service instance only after the PNF READY (after PNF registration) event is consumed by SO
In Dublin, working towards enabling the association of the PNF entry to a service instance ID before the PNF is registered
How to detect ONT re-registration case (nomadic ONT)?
Option 1: check whether ONT's PON UNI info contained in the VES registration message changes with respect to the one previously stored in AAI
Option 2: check whether ONT is already associated to a service instance and that service instance is in 'active' state. Note: Service instance becomes active only after PNF is registered and SO finishes with the service instantiation flow, so for PNF re-registration the service should be already active
For further study: What about faulty ONTs continuously sending VES registration events?
This should be detected by Access SDN M&C and send to ONAP an alarm to trigger an ONT reset
Update on development environment setup
Private repo for BBS in gitlab, as ONAP does not provide repo for use cases for development. Of course, working code will be upstreamed to respective ONAP projects.
Next meeting on Jan 3rd, 2019
Action items
Report on use case subcommittee meeting (Dec 5)
Impacts/Project Commitment
BBS CFS modeling discussion
Update on Edge SDN M&C + BNG/AAA/DHCP implementation [not covered]
Update on development environment setup [not covered]
Report on use case subcommittee meeting (Dec 5)
BBS wiki page adapted to follow the template recommended by the use case subcommittee. Wiki page split into sub-pages to improve readability
5-10 minute slot for BBS during next week's VF2F to present use case status and Project Commitment table
Impacts/Project Commitment
BBS priority for Dublin is to implement phase 1 and 2 (CFS creation and activation and nomadic ONT)
BBS team will try to reuse existing ONAP functionalities as much as possible and minimize requirements for other projects
Potential requirement for External API to support service state change notification towards BSS (TMF 638), e.g. when ONT moves, to be discussed with External API PTL
Potential requirement for AAI to notify listeners when AAI entry changes: AAI-BBS Proposals for Dublin Release
Potential requirement for DCAE to be discussed with DCAE PTL:
Enhancements for RESTCONF collector & VES mapper
Enhance current PRH to detect ONT move or BBS team to develop a new microservice for this
BBS CFS modeling discussion
ONT PNF model uses ONT serial number as unique ID
ONT is associated to a PON UNI during discovery process
New BBS modeling proposal for discussion to be added in BBS wiki
Nomadic ONT flow discussion
Assumption is that we may have different Access SDN M&C instances. ONT may move to an OLT managed by a second Access SDN M&C, so ONT move detection should be done in ONAP. Access SDN M&C sends ONT registration event to ONAP when new ONT is detected by an OLT.
ONT registration event contains ONT serial number + OLT UNI info
ONT serial number is used by PRH (or BBS custom microservice) to detect whether ONT is already registered and associated to an existing CFS service instance
OLT UNI info is used by PRH (or BBS custom microservice) to detect whether ONT changed location
Action items