ONAP Service IM Minutes 20190807

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20190807


@guochuyi @Zu Qiang @Fei Zhang (Ericsson) @fred feisullin @Borislav Glozman @Xu Yang @Kevin Scaggs @Bob Papa @Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) @Yuriy Malakov  


  1. Agenda Bashing

  2. Ericsson contribution for configuration using CDS - Zu Qiang

  3. Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services


  1. Ericsson contribution for configuration using CDS
    Zu introduced how the PNF/VNF configuration can be conducted using CDS from design time to run time.  

    1. Take PNF to illustrate. In design time, CDS blueprint will be cooperative with SDC, add links to SDC model, and distribute to SO catalog. In runtime, SO will find whether the flag is configured in the PNF model, and will send request to the SDNC if so, SDNC has a CDS Blueprint Processor, then send message to PNF. The whole process canbe SDC > SO( PNF registration and ConfigAssign&Configure) > SDNC(CDS Blueprint Processor > ODL) > PNF.

    2. For model template, there will add sdnc_model_name, skip_post_instantiation_configuration and orther attributes that are related. They will be used as part of identifier to track blueprint, among them, skip_post_instantiation_configuration is used to show whether enable configuration or not.

    3. So far, service configuration is not implemented, but resource level configuration has relationship to service level bilaterally.

  2. Enhanced service IM

    1. Do we need configurableProperties in service model? Kevin: This depend on how we use serviceProperties and configurableProperties, need a solution considering both together.

    2. ServiceProperties

      1. Kevin suggests to revise the description of this class, add the explanation of "working as a group";

      2. The requirement for serviceProperties is a independent space to hold service specific attributes, we don't want to hard-coding evething but leave service designers to supplement, how can do this? An potential solution is change this class with open attributes, like property_name, property_value, etc. Kevin and Borislav will work together and bring back a proposal. 

    3. maxAvailableNumber

      1. It should be for instance model, not just a number, can be other quanities, so Borislav suggested to change to maxAvailableQuantities, and it is a structure, has something like what is the type, what is the value, may be also some explanation how this quantity is measured.




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