ONAP Service IM Minutes 20191113

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20191113


@guochuyi @Andy Mayer @Kevin Scaggs @Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson] @Fei Zhang (Ericsson) @Xu Yang @Bob Papa @Zu Qiang


Updates for ParameterGroup - @Kevin Scaggs and @Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson]  Dynamic Parameters - Accepted Refinement


  • The update is to refine ParameterSpecValue per Kevin and Jacqueline's discussion, the new proposal is marked gold including class ParmSpecValueII,  RangeValueSpec and DiscreteValueSpec, which will replace original class ParameterSpecValue. RangeValueSpec and DiscreteValueSpec are the sub-class of ParmSpecValueII, the basic idea is to separate value ranges and discrete values, making it more clear to use. 

  • The type for rangeStep now is "String", it means the rangeStep can be integer, float or whatever it is.

  • In order to clarify the usage of valueFrom and valueTo, a constraint description will be added.

  • Current proposal reached an agreement with some slight changes in the service call, Kevin will also socialize it in the resource IM call next week.

