ONAP Service IM Minutes 20190508

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20190508


@Borislav Glozman @Fei Zhang (Ericsson) @chris.skowronek@riftio --Termed @Kevin Scaggs @Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) @Andy Mayer @Xu Yang @Lingli Deng


  1. Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services


  1. a.  Thinh agrees that we should have a way to choose the service components based on given rules, but thinks filter mechanism should be orchestrator API job, not service model, orchestrators can do this through querying the informations stored.

b.  A shared service situation can be complex, the orchestrators should know if a service can be shared or not, this is not the decisions can be made  independently only by orchestrators.

ACTION: Consulting orchestrators with the best way to build the filter. @guochuyi

2. The relationship between filter and service profile, how to construct them? Can service profile contains all the requirements instead of filter? 

3. Orchestrator can make the decision when there are multiple candidate instances satisfied the filter. This may bring the risk of overload, the solution can be adding additional criteria. 


