ONAP Service IM Minutes 20190828

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20190828


@guochuyi @Kevin Scaggs @Xu Yang @Fei Zhang (Ericsson) @Zu Qiang @Michela Bevilacqua @Bob Papa @Andy Mayer


Example of DynamicParameter

Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services

Network Slicing Model Proposal


  1. DynamicParameter
    Kevin showed a simple example of how to use ParameterGroup structure, received the following questions:

    1. Question 1: How to describe the value range?
      Currently, it only supports enumerated values, Kevin will try to change the model to support consecutive value expression.

    2. Question 2: How can run time instances use the design time given values?
      The run time value will be tied to the design time parameter, no matter how many values the parameter are given in design time.

    3. Question 3: How can one instance know which value it should have?
      In information model diagram, you can know by thr asssociation; in run time, there need some process to tell, maybe the end-customer should take the responsibilty to choose one value for real instantiation.

  2. Enhanced Service Information Model

    1. For configurableProperties, Chuyi suggested to delete this attribute, since we don't find a real use case for it, configuration can use CDS or workflow to implement 

    2. Kevin: ParameterGroup can specify whether it can be modified/input or not, which means it is configurable. In a model, we have several differernt types of parameters, some are inputs, some are configurable, and they maybe overlapped, not sure if the ParameterGroup can cover this or not, maybe should not delete cofigurablePropertes. A product can have parameters which need mapping layer by layer.

    3. Andy: How can those parameters needed mapping be identified?
      Chuyi: Can consider ParameterGroup structure to do this.

  3. Network Slicing Model

    1. Chuyi introduce the mapping from 3GPP to ONAP model, SO can cover both CSMF and NSMF. Network Slicing can be a CFS or RFS, Network service subnet(NSS) model can be described by ETSI Network Service, and be consumed by VFC.

    2. One suggestion from Andy and Xu is: change the expression of CFS and RFS, use 3GPP conception to replace, like communication service to replace the word CFS.

    3. Michela thinks NSS is not only the Network Service from ETSI, should VFC be the only way to consume NSS model?
      Chuyi need to provide the reference of this part , then discuss if SO should be another way.     




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