ONAP Service IM Minutes 20190821

ONAP Service IM Minutes 20190821


@guochuyi @Borislav Glozman @alok411 @Bob Papa @MEHMET TOY @Andy Mayer @Fei Zhang (Ericsson) @Kevin Scaggs @Xu Yang @Zu Qiang


  1. VES Model related to Service Instance
    VES Model Requirements from Service Design

  2. Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services
    - Latest update for the ServiceProperties(Dynamic parameters expression)   

  3. SDC properties implementation    


  1. VES Model

    1. Currently, DCAE can already do the collection of model attributes(both resource and service level) information and infrastructure information, besides, leave the space for the service provider to define what they want to see and capture, it can be announced that which services one device is supporting by some system, so we don't need model this in service model, that is to say we don't need maxAvailableNumber in service model for collecting and analyzing the instance information  to see if it can be shared or not.

    2. Next step will add 3GPP related work, but this depends on 3GPP defination outputs, so it couldn't get the certain timeline for modeling team to do the corresponding work.

  2. ServiceProperties

    1. Kevin showed the work of modeling  ServiceProperties associated with DesignEntity, it follows the TMF characteristic pattern, has two classes: ParameterGroup and Parameter in design time to hold dynamic properties. The structure supports to show the relationship that parameter value in run time comes from the design time given value list.

    2. The association between OperationalEntity and ParameterValue can show the correspondence between the specific instance and the value,  Kevin can give a detailed example based on use case to illustrate this next meeting and put on the wiki page.

    3. Chuyi will change the service model accordingly.

  3. Borislav showed SDC codes about service properties, the defination of properties in SDC includes whether it is required, name, value of property,  constrain and etc., these can corresponds to ParameterGroup/Parameter content.




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