2022-01-26 Policy Weekly Meeting

2022-01-26 Policy Weekly Meeting

Agenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

Review of minutes from last meeting and matters arisingLiam Fallon 

Policy update, Status for M2

2022 PTL Meeting Minutes

IBN user-triggered Intent update and CCVPN closed-loop changes in Jakarta

This item is regarding the IBN [1] and CCVPN [2] code impact on Policy in Jakarta release.  They have just updated the code impact wiki [3] to indicate this impact, and apologise for doing it so late.  

The attached PPT is their design document.  To provide a complete picture, they describe DCAE changes as well, but page 11 and 12 explains their idea on Policy changes. They are new to Policy, and our proposed design may not be accurate.  So, they would like to a review of their design.

[1] https://jira.onap.org/browse/REQ-1074

[2] https://jira.onap.org/browse/REQ-1076

[3] https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Jakarta+Impact+View+per+Component

CCVPN closed-loop Jakarta release LLD v0.3.pptx

Metadata Set HandlingDiscussion on this work and the commit comments

TCA Implementation using TOSCA approachGervais-Martial NguekoUpdate from Martial.

Document Store for TOSCA entities: ProgressContinuation of discussion, carried over.

High Availability DiscussionCarried over

Automation Composition ManagementCarried over

Support for native Kafka as an option for message passing to comply with Strimzi requirementsCarried over



  1. IBN/CCVPN to check if their use cases and microservices are affected by the switch from Cloudify to K8S based microservices in DCAE: Henry Yu 
  2. Continue to work on the Metadata Set review, taking comments into account especially those form Jorge Hernandez: Ramesh Murugan Iyer 


The IBN use case will use policy in the same manner as they have implemented the CC-VPN use case.



Meeting Recording

Chat Transcript