2022-03-02 Policy Weekly Meeting

2022-03-02 Policy Weekly Meeting

Agenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links


Meeting Chair: Liam Fallon 

Review of minutes from last meeting and matters arisingLiam Fallon 

Policy update, Status for M3

2022 PTL Meeting Minutes

Handling of Artifacts for K8S; interaction between Clamp, DCAE, DCAE-MOD, and Chart MuseumShort discussion, we probably need to organise a session with Vijay

Document Store for TOSCA entities: Proposal for PoCCarried Forward until after code freeze

Sprint Planning and JIRA ReviewAll



  1. Create a Wiki page defining the scope of a PoC on the approach for moving to a document store approach. Liam Fallon 
    • Policy types/Policies/Node Types/Node Templates are first order items
    • Data Types have a scope of a first order item, so a data type definition only applies in the scope of a policy type or node type definition
    • We should keep our current APIs, all changes should be internal
    • We must provide an upgrade pat to the new data structure and a rollback to the current structure
  2. The JIRAs on HA and on Database backup/restore will be reorganised  Liam Fallon 
  3. Set up a meeting with Vijay Kumar to discuss how artifact generation in DCAE-MOD, CLAMP-ACM, and an (ONAP?) chart museum would work together. There is some prior work done by Orange around a chart museum for ONAP, which might be useful. Liam Fallon DONE
  4. Tidy up JIRAs, close things that will not get done and move things that missed the cut in Jakarta into the Kohn release.DONE




Meeting Recording

Meeting Chat