2021-12-08 Policy Weekly Meeting

2021-12-08 Policy Weekly Meeting

Agenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links
1Discussion of removal of Cloudify support in DCAE and impact on the Policy Framework

Vijay Kumar will join us for this topic so let's take it first

2Review of minutes from last meeting and matters arisingLiam Fallon 
3Policy update

TSC Meeting Topics (TSC 2021-12-02)

  • M1 moved to 2021-12-09
  • Logs Management is promoted to a global requirement (Mandatory for all code)
  • Standardized logging fields/Use base image from integration moved to best practices (Mandatory for new code)

PTL Meeting Topics (PTL 2021-12-06)


Update on impacts if we move from Eclipselink to Hibernate

Ajith Sreekumar , Jorge Hernandez , it would be great to get your input.

5Update on metadata for policy types for PDPs (policy_type_impl)See minutes of last weeks meeting for action points
6Update on the High Availability study
7ScrumFormer user (Deleted) 


  1. Thanks to Vijay Kumar for presenting the architecture for DCAE from Jarakta onward. See Vijay's presentation and how the DCAE Policy Sidecar works.
    1. There are no impacts on the Policy Framework for fetching policies, the DCAE Policy Sidecar uses the existing Policy Framework APIs
    2. It is not clear how the CLAMP functionality will work with the K8S based DCAE
  2. AP: Liam Fallon set up a meeting including Gervais-Martial Ngueko , Sebastien Determe , Jorge Hernandez and the TOSCA control loop team to discuss K8S based DCAE
  3. There are a number of issues showing up in the work by Francesco Fiora on moving from Eclipselink to Hibernate. Francesco will do a spike between now and the new year where he does as much of the conversion as possible and documents his findings on a page on the wiki.
    AP: Francesco Fiora  to carry out a spike on Hibernate, prepare a short demo, and docoument findings on the wiki. We will review the findings in the new year and decide on how to proceed.
  4. On the policy_type_impl study, we need to consider how to support definition of a policy_type_impl in the Policy GUI.
    AP: Ramesh Murugan Iyer to open a story on this.
  5. AP: Liam Fallon to query what the status of the Wind River lab is to determine if there are plans to decommission it or not.
  6. We did not have time for the HA presentation from Saul Gill . The presentation slides are uploaded at the link above, Saul will present them after the holiday period in the new year.



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